Anyone have a midi with drums of Van Halen's "Light up the Sky"?

The only midi file I have been able to find for this song has everything except the drums. Anyone have a midi file of this song that includes drums?

I can work it up next week.

That would be awesome! Thanks so much!

Thanks again for this release! I really do appreciate it!

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Hello. I’m new here and I joined because I found this post as I was looking for midi drums for Van Halen Light Up The Sky. Would It be possible to attain this from you? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you, Richard

Searching just a little longer would have come up with Light Up The Sky - DOP & OPB :sunglasses:

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Hello Persist. Would it be possible to get just the drums and bass for Light up the Sky in a midi file that can be opened in Cubase? Or Korg N365? I’ll call it a “standard” midi file. It might be called a “SMF”. Drums midi channel 10 type. Unfortunately the midi / song files I downloaded won’t open on anything I have. And neither would the midi. I don’t have a beat buddy. Thank you, Richard

I don’t know what to tell you as I can open the .mid file with either Reaper or Logic Pro X so Cubase should be able to open the file.

I exported both the source file drums and bass midi tracks to a .mid file which I’ve included with the original source file. (4.4 KB)

Thank you very much. That worked great. And thank you for making this.

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