Automating Midi File Conversions for Compatibility

Ok. For those who are interested… MAC or WIN
I used a MAC 10.9.5 and WinXP, since the programs needed are avail only for either one system…kind of need to use both incl. Java, but better than nothing at all…

  1. Open .gp5 from TuxGuitar 1.3.2 (MAC freeware)
  2. Delete all the tracks except Drum Line
  3. Export to .mid file.
  4. Copy “GM GP5 to BB.xml” to Maps Folder prior opening MidiFileMapper. (in attached files)
  5. Open MidiFileMapper (WIN freeware) and follow instructions
  6. When asked, choose “GM GP5 to BeatBuddy” and save to new location.
  7. Done Remapping (with the settings of Norbert above - thanks for the numbers).
  8. Open BB (MAC freeware) and import/save your BeatBuddy Project.
    8.5 Choose the “Folder” where you want to create your new song. (e.g. Metal, Funk or Blues a.s.o.)
  9. Choose “Songs” -> “New Song”
  10. In “New Song” rename (the way you want)
  11. Check original tempo in e.g. TuxGuitar and use as “Default Tempo”
  12. Choose “Default Drum Set”, (e.g. Standard or Metal)
  13. Click on “Main Loop” and choose your newly remapped midi file…
  14. Click on “File” -> “Save Project”
  15. Click on “File” -> “Export” -> “Project to SD Card”
  16. Done

Hi, I too am looking for the utilities called by Norbert’s fine work. Many thanks for that Norbert, it was an interesting exercise and learning experience setting it all up.
In spite of doing extensive web searches I have been unable to find the relevant components. I was so close to cracking EZD2 to BB before upgrading from the demo to the full version of EZD2.
Can you help with this Norbert, anybody?

Had gnmidi back in mid 2000’s Great utility. Had to order the cd and then would be sent a license that would drop into the main folder. Lost track of the darn thing. I did get a full version with a 15 day free trial online just to mess with it. I believe an online company has taken over the licensing. Didn’t like the looks of that company that was going to take my money.

Hi Frank, have you found any solution EZD2>BB? I am making beats manually in EZD and want to use them in BB… I think many people including me would not have a problem to pay for such utility if this could be done with a single click or two… Cheers, Jaro

I have no idea if this helps at all, as I am not an EZD2 user. But the steps are relatively easy:

  1. Convert the EZD2 track to midi.
  2. Build a BB drum set to match the EZD2 mapping.

Someone made this kit some time ago. It may help; it may not.

Hi Phil, many thanks for this hint. I really appreciate this advice as I could not figure out any process. I will give it a try.

Thanks for the help … is there a way to modify the GM GP5 to BB.xml file to include the bass track conversion ?
Salutations and thanks
Has someone tried to to this ?

There is no standard as to where the bass track goes in a BB file. I typically use midi 0 through 31 in my kits. The first “with bass” kits used 63-91. and one kit used, if I am not mistaken, 86- 104. Also, there are custom kits that use odd mappings, like my recent LuvDa1 kit. The point being that GM GP5 to BB.xml would not “know” where to put the bass file. I imagine if you first transpose the bass file to the proper octave for the target kit, that GM GP5 to BB.xml could do the conversion, but you would need to first move the bass track to the proper octave, and then combine the two tracks within GP5 (if that is possible, and if GM GP5 to BB.xml would even allow for the extras range of the bass.)

It is so simple to deal with bass tracks in a standard DAW that allows for midi editing that it would seem to be of little utility to develop a conversion tool for so specific an audience. But, I guess if you like programming that sort of thing for fun, here’s another little project to pass the time.