Beat Buddy, Loopers, Midi Sync

Glad to see you got it sorted Ethereal. Trying to fix an issue like you had can really drive a person insane.

An option on the Beat Buddy to not send MIDI notes is probably coming in the future.

Or you could configure one of your IL presets for the time signature of the BB song you’re playing.

This really shouldn’t be necessary with the latest firmware on each—Infinity adapts to whatever BB is doing.

My external looper controller for my Timeline should be here today… Going to try it out with the Beat Buddy midi sync this weekend! I can’t see any reason to continue the chain to the Bigsky, it’s just doing reverb things…

Is this true? Would be very exciting if it was. Does the BB send some kind of measure information? I was under the impression it only sent a clock signal.

Yes, it absolute is, I’ve been doing it for months. I assume its your Infinity firmware that is out of date if it is not. Infinity is on 2.0.3 now, I think it’s been doing it since about 1.5.

So, BB with the Strymon TImeline looper is a no-go at the moment. It syncs the delay tempo just fine, but unless Strymon releases new firmware, it won’t work with the looper functions. I’m going to call their support tomorrow to see if it’s coming. If not, it looks like it’s a new looper for me. Big bummer.

I´ve got my Infinity Looper 3 days ago now, was exited to get started (to use it with my BeatBuddy), and I ran into exactly the same problem you´ve had. … NOT able to check the box and keep it checked… Realy frustrating!
Please, could you give me a link to the page where you found your solution?

Hi Evan, I’m new to Beatbuddy and am looking to do what you have described for midi clock syncing. However one of the things in wondering is how you can record a loop from your guitar and have beatbuddy connected as well. I’m I correct in thinking you can’t and have to have you loops pre-recorded?

I’m not sure what you mean. The clock syncing is done over MIDI, which has nothing to do with the audio. For the audio, you place the looper prior to the Beat Buddy in your signal chain. Then the loop does not include the drums, but the drums are playing over that at the end of your chain, all in sync (if you have a MIDI connection).

For anyone that’s curious, I use the TC Helicon Voicelive3 with my Beatbuddy and have for a year now. I have had no problems with the midi sync between the two and the loops I record live during my gigs sync perfectly.

Just saw this post… Just to let u know I have been able to sync the timeline with the BB… Earlier few months ago I had no success (i.e. Before the bb ingnore midi notes update) … It messed up my TL… No syncing was possible… I tot it was the TL error… But after the BB update and resetting my TL it’s all good!!

Are you able to get the looper to sync? I’m able to get the delay to sync, but not the looper portion. Last word from Strymon (some months ago) was that they looked into it, but didn’t have immediate plans to implement it due to the difficulty in doing so. If there’s a new Strymon firmware that adds the functionality, I’ll be stoked!

no the looper does not sync, but it has anamazing play again switch ( retrigger) which helps you keep in time

Wow, a Boomerang is definitely the next pedal going on my board. Thanks!

OK, here’s a question for those of you that are using a VoiceLive 3 or Infinity Looper. Have you recorded and saved a loop or loops that were synced with a drum beat and then came back later reloaded the loops and the drum beat and have them stay in sync? I’ve not tried this, but it’s something I’ve been wondering about as to whether it would work.

I do that all the time with my infinity looper
right now have have 6 or so song/loops stored in it. Some just using plain drum beats and some w/bass
One of the is the entire song with a one press version

Thanks for the input. I felt that it should be possible, but had not read of anyone actually doing it.

Has anyone had an experiences using the infinity looper synced with the beat buddy to record backing tracks with guitar or keyboard?? To the memory bank on the infinity looper?