Cajun Accordion kit

Please see the included kit list for mapping and instructions on using the washboard scrubber.

This kit consist of bass, drums, washboard, accordion and fiddle.

Edit August 5, 2023:

I corrected the following issues on this kit. Similar issues were present in the Dobro and Fiddle kit, which have already been corrected:

  1. Fiddle samples - Fiddle samples were mislabeled, and the High G, (G4) was at a much lower volume that the rest of the kit. New samples were created and placed in the kit.2.

  2. Tambourine - The correct midi location for the Tambourine is Midi 54. I had placed it at 58 in the Accordion kits which were used to make this kit.

Please note that while the .zip file may be labeled Cajun Accordion 2, the kit name has not been changed. This kit is intended to replace the December 2020 kit. Please remove any installation of the existing Cajun Accordion kit before attempting to install the new one. BB ignores new kits with the same name as an existing kit, and will not properly install the fixes if there is already a kit named Cajun Accordion in your BB Drum Kits list.

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Thanks Phil

2 posts were split to a new topic: Looking for tablas and such

Check the post for the Polka Accordion kit for a demo song.

What do you mean? The cajun kit had mislabeled samples and one note that way quieter that the other notes. The tambourine should have been at 54. If you want it at 58, its easy to change back.

There is no “they.” There’s me. If you want the kit structured a different way, have at it. Make your own. That’s what i do, but i share them with the Forum. Sometimes, i find mistakes, that i later fix.