Can I export drum MIDI files from songsterr to BB software?

Can I export drum MIDI files from songsterr to BB software?

Re: Can I export drum MIDI files from songsterr to BB softwa

As long as this ‘songsterr’ can export MIDI files, then definitely yes, you will be able to import them to BB songs via manager software.

Re: Can I export drum MIDI files from songsterr to BB softwa

Yes, but with caveats.

First you need the song in MIDI format.
One way to do this is to sign in, and “edit” the song. From here you can download the song in guitar pro format.
Load the song in GuitarPro or TuxGuitar, and export the parts you want to MIDI.

Now you need to import the MIDI into the BB software, here is where might have problems.
The BB drum sets do not have sound for the full general midi sound set. This means that your MIDI file might be using a note such as a kick, but the BB drum kit doesn’t have that note. You won’t get sound for those note.

Before importing a MIDI file, you have to make sure the notes match the BB drum kit you want to use.

Can you make a video on how to do it?

Hello, and welcome to the Forum. Before posting a question and expecting an answer, it might help to look at the age of the post. Here, the original post is nearly 10 years old.

In any event, I cannot recall a video on this being posted to the Forum, Persist may have done one a fair amount of time ago. I do recall there being some YouTube stuff out there.

I have made a tutorial, but it is not a video:

If I were to make this today, I would note that there is a plug in available from Singular, currently in beta form, that allows use of BB drum kits in the DAW. This make auditioning this type of project much easier. Someday, I may remake the tutorial with the Singular plug-in. For now, this may be about the best guidance available. Enjoy, and feel free to ask questions.

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