Decay for overdubs (Loop Decay)

Great to hear/read this. I am loving the Aeros anyway. In the meantime I will continue to use it in tandem with the the Ditto, but I can’t wait for the day to do it all in Aeros!

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Hi Brennan, thanks for your responses.

Reading through the users’ comments one more time (including my own) I can’t help but feel some degree of greediness, given that such a massive update has been offered FOR FREE to all the users.

I do think SS ought to consider charging some (reasonable) amount for updates that involve significant research and resources in order to satisfy specific requests. I would be more than happy to pay for an update that specifically resolves this problem (i.e. progessive decays a.k.a. frippertronics). Thanks for listening.


As far as I understood the progressive decay is not possible (yet) because of the way each tracks consists of 2 layers, right?
Well here is the idea: How about just ONE layer per track WITH progrssive decay aka FRIPPERTRONICS? Would that be possible? I think everyone who is really hoping for true loop decay could easily live with just one layer per track… So please give us the option: 2 layers, no decay - 1 layer, frippertronics

No it is not so straightforward, the way overdubs behave is central to the core of the Aeros code and how it behaves, there is a high risk that it will not be easy to do this and we may not do it if it will take a very long time to do or break a bunch of things in the process

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Thanks for clarifying. Us Frippertronic-Heads will keep on hoping then :slight_smile:

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The latest firmware came out of beta today and still no true decay function. Very disappointing. One year after I got my unit (never used it once), it is now finally going for sale. My DittoX4 is old and clunky but it’ll stay on my board.

Hey all,

We have a bittersweet set of news

We were able to implement Loop Decay to work exactly as expected, but unfortunately, there is a missing logic that we were not able to finalize that makes it impossible to avoid pops when decay is on while the overdub is also left open (makes decay automatically happen at every loop seam).

We are pretty bummed, but we decided to leave it in the new version so you could try it out anyways and give us feedback

Thanks for your patience, feel free to forward all thoughts to the 5.2.x thread

Read more here:

Even with the new Beta version 5.2 Loop Decay isn’t working as was originally announced long time ago. The point of reference was to make it work like old reel to reel looping aka Frippertronics. Or in modern days the Ditto from TC was mentioned a lot in this form as a reference. Anyway, in no Looper with decay or fade, may it be the ditto, Line6, Ableton Looper or whatever, nor in a real tape to tape solution, there are any issues with volume “glitches” at the loop points. In Aeros this happens always after a few runs when using sounds that have long releases and thus record and playback “over” the looping points.
This is really frustrating.

And besides this issue with the volume jumps at the looping points I hear a very unwelcomed comeback of those ugly audio popping noises. And this happens only when loop decay is on.

Hi there,

please read post above

Ok, sorry for not having read the posts above. I guess i was just too frustrated after having been waiting for so long for this feature to finally work. It’s too bad.
Can I ask one more thing: Have you buried all further endeavors regarding loop decay or are you still considering to find a solution one day? If the answer is yes, please also work on the feature to set the loop decay rate via midi in realtime… Thanks

Hi there,
once again I would like to ask: After your last statement regarding the issues with proper loop decay functionality I got the feeling that you kind of gave up on this. If so please let us know.

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It is my understanding that loop decay should be behaving as expected for Frippertronics although there’s a bug that causes some pops on every overdub and it should be fixed in the next release if I understood correctly one of Brennan’s posts on the subject. In other words, one thing is loop decay behavior and the other thing is any bugs with that behavior. I understand the behavior should be correct now, they just have to fix that bug that they have already admitted is there (which sounds like they will fix it).

Thanks for the answer, but it is not working in a frippertronics way at all. Volume jumps shouldn’t be happening.

Hey all,

Some news:
There are some improvements coming to loop decay in 5.2.1, although it is not what we would say is 100% it is better than 5.2.0.

We are still hopeful that we can get all the way there, but it will maybe not be included in 5.2.x

Thanks for your all of your passions for this product!


Hi Brennan. Pops still present in 5.2.1. Are there any plans to fix this in upcoming versions? Thanks. /C

A couple of more questions, please, if I may.

  1. What’s the MIDI CC to toggle Loop Decay ON and OFF? I cant’ find that in the manual.
  2. Can someone please explain the meaning of the “Loop Decay Rate”? It goes from 1000ms to 8000ms but I can’t really hear any difference. This time does not appear in the latest manual and the description provided in the device itself is totally unhelpful. What does this do?
    Thanks in advance.

Can someone please explain the meaning of the “Loop Decay Rate”? It goes from 1000ms to 8000ms but I can’t really hear much difference. This setting does not appear in the latest manual and the description provided in the device itself is totally unhelpful. What does this do? Thanks in advance

Since you already posed this question in another thread, I’m merging it with that thread.

Please don’t duplicate posts. You may have better luck by reaching out to Support,

Thank you

You could have responded to my question rather being the wise policeman.