Dirty Love by Frank Zappa

Ha ha this might be a longshot but if anyones interested in doing this one for me that would be great and if not thats ok. Frank Zappas “Dirty Love”. OPB or Sng with Bass.

See if this is any good to you.

Perfect!!! Thanks Berts

The Poodle Bites :wink:

Got anymore by Mr. Zappa?

I remember the first time I listened to The Mothers of Invention Brown Shoes Don’t Make It . . . .

Frank put out some very enternaining music. Most of my rebelious teenage years were accompanied by the likes of Frank Zappa music(I often wondered if that had anything to do with it) and had the thrill too see him live in Toronto not once but twice. God bless him, probably jamming to his hearts content in “Joe’s Garage”.

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Is it possible to share this file again? I’m very interested in working with Zappa’s “Dirty Love.”


I’ll see what I can do.

EDIT: posted at Dirty Love DOP, OPB, OPBk


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