Drumset creation...BBM trashing wave files! Please help!

Phil_Flood’s post 7/20 above is probably the most likely solution to your issues. If you haven’t downloaded and run your wav files thru NCH Switch, that should be your starting point.

NCH switch did it. I was dubious about the cost but the outcoming file sizes must be smaller. Not taking up as much space. I will be able to get more samples into my kit…

NCH Switch used to be free for non-commercial use. Wondering if that changed….

I believe it still is free for non commercial use. Says it is on their page. Its just limited as to functionality, but if all you need is basic conversion of common file types it should be fine.

There is cost involved. I was using a trial version that had a limited number of conversions. I bought the non-commercial version. It allows “batching” a number of files. Really sped up the process.