Free MIDI editor designed for BeatBuddy

I do intend to correct the samples issues pretty soon, plus the other bugs here and there in the app. I’ve been very busy due to working on new material with a new singer I’ve hooked up with on top of the two gigs a week I was already doing. On the plus side everyone loves what the BeatBuddy brings to the performance, particularly the accuracy you can achieve in simulating the original track’s rhythm track, once you’ve loaded up the drum kits with all the extras.

I already have this little goodie and wouldn’t be without it. The real nice thing about this is you can save your own work and load it right into the BB Manager and play what you have created. You can also correct timing errors in some of the drum tracks that are slightly off. I had the original but this new one is a piece of cake. It is just great with the use of the BB Manager. The new version of the BB Manager has an issue that needs to be fixed ASAP. The “Buffering Time” will not stay set at the value someone puts in to adjust the playback to eliminate distortion in the drum tracks. It reverts back to 100ms setting when exiting the Manager. A glitch maybe? Can this be ratified quickly? Nice going on the Beat Builder.
Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

Oh… That’s pretty bad!

Despite it is a very easy fix, it may require some time to repack a new release version…
I’ve made the corresponding request in our bug tracking system for you.

Thank you very much for getting right to this. Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

Thanks So Much Charles, for your efforts. I just wrote my first song with your editor, and it works great!! Can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!!!

Thank you Charles for creating this - its pretty cool. I started playing with it and it’s fairly intuitive.

Yes thanks. It’s actually better than I expected. I’ll be using it a lot.

I haven’t looked into it, but would it be possible to make this stream midi to the BB now that that is an option?

Thank you so much for this. My biggest frustration with the beat buddy and playing it live was having a count in without having to sacrifice an intro. The latest update to beat buddy allows a count in but it is universal and can’t be customized for individual songs. This beat builder allows me to build my own intros with count in’s included. You don’t have to build them from scratch either. You can open an existing midi in one of the beat buddy midis and copy and past into your intro. Then customizing of songs is endless. It’s awesome!

Thanks for creating this,it is really helpful
I have a little request about layout
can you set an option to adjust the brightness of the programme?
it is kinda bright to use this on my LED monitor

A quick note to everyone. David himself fixed the “Buffering Time” in the latest release and now it works very well. Thanks David. It is much appreceated.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

Good stuff. Just what’s needed to create simple midi files from scratch. Kudos for both the effort and the result. :slight_smile:

That’s a very nice tool und it runs fine :). But, one request I have, can you integrate the MIDI Note of the Metronom Notes (#33)? friendlylook :wink:

Hey Charles, loving this tool you created…any plans in a future update to include a way to copy/paste just one of the drum or percussion beats like when you right click on that particular one where a menu comes up to select "set note volume , adjust note volume, transpose, etc. to include copy, and also paste? again awesome tool!!

I was actually thinking of switching to a black background. I work with computers all day and where I can, I switch to darker backgrounds as it keeps my eyes from getting as tired as they would otherwise

Yeah I can do that. I was also going to add the ability to adjust notes in just the selected range, like increase the velocities in just a selected measure.

that would be great
my eyes is kinda strain especially at night after working a whole day

Wow! Using Beat Builder to tweak the MIDI Drum styles that I extracted from my Tyros 2 really helped. Thanks for such a useful program that basically salvaged hours of work and made those Tyros Drum Style files usable in the BeatBuddy.

This is cool! I just started messing with it and I think it will do the job nicely. I probably shouldn’t have chosen Metallica for my first attempt… lol. I know nothing of drum pattern making before Beatbuddy so it’s all new to me…

Metallica has a huge deal of broken rhythms, e.g. that are constantly changing throughout single song part. Currently BeatBuddy does not has a really good support for this, so you will most likely need to work around the limitations :slight_smile:

Doing a song by Dream Theatre would be very difficult as well :stuck_out_tongue: