Hands-free song selection

Laurent, as I mention on the bottom of the draw, EOL performance mode, it’s made to be accessed and modify quickly live (what I call performance). This page could open an infini possibility of « effects » to finish a song.

Ok, I absolutely didn’t understand in the first place that, within your chart, the EOL configuration screen as well as the Mixer screens were actually meant to be triggered from elsewhere than from the screen represented on your chart (i.e. when a song is stopped or not yet started). The fact you have been choosing this picture to represent it was probably misleading, at least for me:
Now I realize why you have called it the “looper mode” whereas for me it was simply the “Main screen”… and it definitely makes more sense at least for the EOL screen.

But this triggers then some new tough questions as well.
If now the state you represent as the “looper mode” shows the functions attached to the buttons even during a loop session then what about mute/unmute (relegated to the mixer screen ??), undo ? And how do yo manage the transitional states where today you can cancel rec or cancel next part… ?

The looper mode page is the main page. From this page we can go to the EOL pages, to the mixer page, and to all the other pages because it is the main page.

For the mute / unmute functions, this happens on the mixer page.

My position to respond to a logical worflow and direct commands (for all actions that require instant execution, play / stop / rec / …) was to divide the “pages” into five families (this is explained in bottom of the diagram).
-looper mode (play rec …)
-mixer page (mute unmute volumes pan …)
-EOL (fade chain effects …)
-song management (files management …)
-settings (all adjustments not necessary during a performance)

This is exactly where I think I start to diverge, when talking about core features relegated to secondary screens… But I could give it a try if everything else is consistent.

You actually didn’t reply to this. Please clarify, but for me looks like you forgot this part, and I don’t see where it could fit exactly. Even if cancelling recording or switching to next part before it actually occurs may seem a bit side features at first sight, I know I use that all the time. I didn’t really figure out an easy solution and I 'm not saying it’s not possible, but it’s missing in your proposal.
The undo is a very important and core flow. I couldn’t find anything related in your proposal.

Then on a more practical/ergonomic front, I would definitely vote for an inversion between the rightmost buttons in both the “looper mode” and “mixer mode” screens:

And the reason for that is it’s better to have the most used of the two buttons on the outside (rightmost)… I have large feet and I regularly make errors when targeting the middle button… So the less it is used the better…

For mute/unmute, it’s better to affiliate this with the mixer to have a global view of track’s state.
For undo, if it’s compatible with the press mode of the « Rec/overdub » button , we can use the double tap fonction.
For the part erease, what do you think about an 3sec hold « next track » button with a confirmation message (because hold 1sec->next part)?

For the invertion, why not? I have small feet :laughing:

I see some consistency in what your saying, yet I don’t like the idea to have to switch to a secondary screen for such a core feature.

It surely won’t. As discussed extensively here, if a button requires an on-press event, there is no way to have any secondary event attached to it (be it on-release or on-double-tap…).

I don’t really know why you are mentioning part erase, yet what you are saying is probably feasible although I don’t really like the idea of 4 actions bound to the same button. Starts being a bit messy.

I don’t think you understood what I meant by “transitional states”, so let me explain a bit further. Let’s take the example of “next part”. When you click on “next part”, and the next part actually already exists the button becomes then labelled “cancel next part” until the end of the current track to give you the opportunity to cancel the action before it happens. Same behavior exists for “cancel rec”… This is what I call transitional state. This is not managed at all in your flow.

Apart from that, another point that I noticed in your proposal is the fact that the “next part” button is attached to the on-release event which is contradictory with what we want (and actually already in test AFAU as per what @BrennanSingularSound said here).

In conclusion, even if liked the initial idea, the more I dig , the more I see problems that can’t really be addressed by this solution. But as I said earlier, this is not because the complete idea is not really feasible, that we have to get rid of everything, and there are clearly things like the EOL management that deserves having a much deeper look at…

Yeah Brennan, totally agree. Sticking to basics makes sense.

with 4 buttons we will have to make concessions. You can’t have everything on the same page. For the function to cancel the change of share, I do not see anything else as a possibility.
There will have to be modifications for the play / rec / overdub / stop actions to be instantaneous.
About the press fonction and double tap, I’m surprised because a lot of looper have 1 button and sorts well (I have a jamais stéréo and there’s no problem).

Can’t wait the midi implementation to build my worflow on my soleman.

I’m not sure if I’m on the right thread or not. I seem to get lost in most of the technical stuff. I’m hoping there is a resolution to deleting songs. I don’t save any songs. I only loop live, therefore I have to use the delete function every time I start a new loop on the Aeros. As David mentioned it plays a half a second of the song. That would get pretty annoying for a 3 or 4 hour set.

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I’m a live looper, too. And yes, it is annoying.

A trick in case you have not recorded all parts: Change part first to the next free one and press delete song now.

I just want to bring up, if for any reason your set-up does not require the Aeros to start or stop immediately (using the Play stop all button), you do not need to have a play stop all button set to Press in the main device settings.

The reason the sound happens is that the song starts on the press, and the hold is registered after the press. If you set the play stop all button to release, then it will not make a sound when holding.

This will change once we implement what is described in this post

Another user that would benefit from On Release being the default setting.

It’s not obvious that this setting would fix the issue of the sound playing for a brief period. But the reverse is true.

Hello Dave has this “Hands Free Song Selection” been implemented? Ty, NickyN

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Hello there, not yet, but we are making progress! Lock tracks release is nearly ready and undone tracks fixes should not take long after to be available. That just leaves us with some very important saving fixes we have to make for songs at full memory. These are some of the last updates that will deal with stability and then we will move on to more features.

Dev has told us that this hands-free implementation will take time to realize, so it will likely be some time before it is finished, we may work on it in parallel as other features are worked on.

Thanks for your question, stay tuned!

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Has SS given any feedback to your diagram/suggestion?

All the feadbacks are in this thread. I stopped participating in the development of the product by giving my opinion.

Have there been any updates on the hands-free song selection option? I just got my Aeros Looper today from Sweetwater and like it but this could be a dealbreaker as far as keeping this unit. It’s not a great look during a gig to have to bend down in between each song and manually fish around for the song that you’d like to play next. Thanks.

There was a comment (on one of the firmware update threads?) that after midi improvements handsfree was next.

I’m hoping they get this right. The Aeros is limited by the current UI. Looks pretty, but so much of the experience needs it on your desk with hands free to use it to the fullest.

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I am new to this and forums/chat help, so please forgive if already answered… I just bought an Aeros to go with a Beat Buddy I have had for a while but have not been getting much practical use out of. I had hoped to sync and be able to live perform to pre-recorded backing tracks, play to parts for accompaniment, etc… Has the hands free selection option been added yet? I updated as soon as I bought but can’t seem to find that or any EDIT: Bank up or Bank down to get to saved backing tracks/loops… I assume I’m missing something so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Still waiting. A while back they said this would come out soon.