Having swing on the BBM vs using Sobriety Mode

In a respect the “Sobriety Function” of the BB unit itself serves this purpose.

True! But since it works by manipulating tempo timing rather than adjusting the notes in the pattern, it isn’t so much an option for devices that depend on BB’s clock tempo to be consistent when using MIDI-Sync.

Copy that. I use Superior Drummer 3 for most of my initial beat editing (then import into BBMO to finalize) and it has a swing option in it and it’s pretty user friendly and has decent stock beats and other options.
Only caveat to doing it my way is that not all drum kit pieces (from SD3) are supported in BBMO and so you have build a kit (in SD3) that mimics the midi map of the Beatbuddy. Good luck!

Have you checked if the VST plugin works with SD3? :thinking:

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Actually the thought hadn’t even occurred to me! I have it in Reaper and it works great though.
I’m gonna look into this. Thanks for the idea.

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Checked it out and…If theres a way to use a vst in SD3, I’m hard pressed to see how.

I’d try their forum/support and if not then you should be able to request VST support :thinking:

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Did you mean that I could use SD3 as a vst (in conjunction with the new Beatbuddy vst) in Reaper etc or that you can actually run a vst in SD3 itself ? Toontrack forum not helpful.

This was what I was thinking, but I don’t know anything about SD3 :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I think we lost the original topic long ago :no_mouth: