Help. Can't install Beat Buddy Manager in Windows 11

Tried a hard reboot…got this new error message on top of the old one.

You may have tried this already but it might be worth trying again and you’re probably tired of hearing all of our pseudo-solutions but this might be worth another try. Good luck.

Use the Windows control panel to remove the existing BBM app from your applications folder. Back up your existing bbworkspace folder (if you have one on your computer) but disregard if you don’t.

Download the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) again and unzip to your desktop.

Install the BBM app using the Wizard.

If it installs, try opening it.

FYI…I uninstalled Audacity. Then I reinstalled it just to make sure that my Windows 11 would install a new piece of software. It did.

The reason I made this suggestion is because all other things being equal (other Windows 11 users are able to use the BBM), there have been rare situations where the app when downloading from Singular Sound gets corrupted, or the process of unzipping the file doesn’t go as intended. Let’s see how this goes. Important to use the Windows control panel to remove the app so that it also removes all related files.

Can’t remove the APP…it’s not installed.

The issue is that it will NOT install.

Was this Win11 ‘upgrade’ an upgrade from a previous version of Windows that overwrote the previous version or a fresh clean install on a formatted drive? From Googling the errors you are getting the hits seem to hint at something in Windows may not be functioning correctly.

I’ve used this utility on older versions of Windows and it worked to find and bring back some corrupted files. Whether it may help in your situation I don’t know

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Okay, then make sure you remove any files or folders related to your bbworkspace folder or previous attempts to install (if any).

Restart your computer and then

Download a fresh copy of the BBM from Download For PC and unzip to your desktop.

Try to install the BBM.

I can sense and understand your frustration and appreciate your patience.

I did all that you suggested. NO GO. Same error message. However, one difference. When I download BBM from the website it is described as BBM lite 1.65 and it does not download as a zipped file. Am I downloading the wrong file ?

The Windows upgrade was a write over as far as I know. It was not a clean install.

No issue if it’s not a zipped file.

At this stage, I’m going to back out of helping as I’ve exhausted my limited supply of Windows tips.

Hope you get it figured out and working.

Have you tried unplugging other usb devices while installing?

Can you send me the log file please? I want to forward it to one of the developers to look at.

Hello All… Many, many, thanx to all that tried helping. Sorry for the late reply I was without my laptop for a couple days. I took it into the computer shop and had it restored to the original operating software. And I had them “install” Beat Buddy Manager. I have not restored my current BB Project from the SD card yet but I feel confident that this will not be an issue. My little cover band uses BB extensively with customized songs and midi connection to Set List Maker. An invaluable tool for us.

The best guess is that the Windows Upgrade produced some corrupted files that were incompatible with BBM. I seem to have bad luck with OS upgrades. Thanks again to all.

Thanks for letting us know what you had to do to get everything working again. Hope this solved your issue completely.