I Feel Good (I Got You) OPBk and OPBh(horns) (E) 2017-05-29 - James Brown

Designed for 2.0.4.or greater

NP Standard Bass Horns kit (OPBh version) or

NP Standard Bass Piano (OPBk version) kit

Package includes 2 song files (keys & horns versions), lyric sheet, working files and midi mapping chart

Download Here

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Thank you for this funk classic

HI GARRY.I downloaded this song but im not having any luck finding the proper drum kit(s). I tried a few variations but no didn’t sound well. Could you forward the link to the kits necessary . Ok thanks .

Hey Robert… I looked for this kit and can’t seem to find it either…I looked on the old site and only get error messages… But you are in luck as I have a copy . I can’t remember where I got it… and will share it if that is Okay with everyone else…


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Here’s a link to the piano kits and I’ll move them to separate threads later along with the horns kit I'm looking for "NP Standard Bass Piano" drum kit

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Thankyou Garry ! This made all the difference, I feel good .