Is there a guide to what OBPks and all those other Acronyms stand for listed anywhere?

Is there a guide to what OBPks and all those other Acronyms stand for listed anywhere?

This must be driving newbies crazy and even old folks like me !!!


Probably no single source guide other than what you gather by reading through the forum and over time. Some, but not all posters follow these acronyms.
OP = original post or more commonly here on this forum, one-press
OPB = one-press bass (v2 appended to my BeatBuddy song names)
DOP = drums one-press (v1 appended to my BeatBuddy song names)
OPBk = one-press bass and keys; derivatives may include s for strings, h for horns, etc (if the song uses or was transcribed with 4 instruments, v4 is appended to a BB song name)
OPk = one-press and keys; may include strings or horns; intent is to give bass players their own version (v3m or v4m appended to a BB song name; the “m” indicates it’s minus bass)
NP = non-percussion
.pbf = a folder of BeatBuddy songs; in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and the pedal, it’s also the folder for the different genres that come with the BBM and pedal. Users can export a folder from the BBM containing up to 99 songs. This is how Singular Sounds packages songs available from their Premium Library. Use the BBM File > Import > Folder to install the .pbf file.
PM or DM = private or direct message
DAW = digital audio workstation

To keep track when I’m working up songs and adding them to the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM), I use version numbering to identify the type of songs.
v1 stands for DOP
v2 = OPB
v3 = OPBk (or other instruments)
v4 = OPBk plus other instruments such as strings or horns
v3m or v4m = OPk and other instruments but the bass is omitted for users that are bass players


Thanks that explains the acronyms perfectly.
What I don’t understand is to to get a bass track added to one of my songs. I would like to possibly create my own bass lines in the key that fits my vocal range. Are there any tutorials that can walk me through that process?

If you use a digital audio workstation—DAW, it isn’t too difficult but if you have to learn how to use the DAW and the process to work up a bass line, it will take a little more effort.

Many of us find a MIDI source file for a song we like and work it up as a one-press song.

You can search the forum for the word “tutorial” and see if the process appeals to you. I posted one not too long ago for Reaper.

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This should be a sticky at the top of the Songs forum. Also it seems it would be helpful to reference the OP kit used for the song since it needs to include those specific sounds to work.


Appreciate the comments. I tried pinning this to the top for two weeks. Regrettably, Discourse does not treat nor display the pinned threads or topics quite the same as the old forum.

In Part 2 of the notes, I mention use of the NP StdPBass 63-91.txt file for use in Reaper and I guess I wasn’t specific enough. I edited the notes to include the kit in Part 5.

The lack being able to pin a topic in Discourse seems to be a global complaint through many other forums when I did a Google search. This forum appears to have pinned posts which have endured time, but to find them one needs to select ‘Catagories’ and then drill into a subject that might contain a pinned post. If most users of this forum are like myself, they likely have the forum set to open to the ‘Latest’ posts which is rolling list that doesn’t keep pinned posts at the top.
I also don’t see a means to put a ‘signature’ in preferences in ones posts that could be links to helpful topics. You’re posts here are frequent enough that if you had semi-permanent links in your posts they would almost be as good as a ‘sticky’.

Not sure if this is any helped to get some longevity to a pinned post…

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@Persist - Actually I wasn’t directing the comment about referencing the Drum kit to you, as your posts are actualy right on and spell it out. I was just making a general comment that there should also be standardized notation for referencing the drum kit as well on these OP and NP variations, since that is a key piece of info.

Appreciate all that you do…

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As to the original question above, there is a BeatBuddy Manager Quick Start Guide in printable PDF format that includes a list of acronyms, although not as extensive as Persist’s list.
I believe this Guide is pretty recent and official, as it sports the Singular Sound logo. But, I only found a link to it buried in a thread on this forum.
I think I am not mistaken in pointing out that there is no reference to this Guide anywhere on or on It is not included in the initial results window when searching this forum for either “manual” or “guide”.

I don’t mean to put anyone on the spot who contributes so selflessly to this forum, but the Company certainly ought to make the Guide front & center for everyone, whether BB owners and forum users or not!
I guess they got distracted, as is their wont…

I don’t remember which thread I found a link to the guide on. Otherwise, I’d include a link myself. It is pretty nice if you can find it. :roll_eyes:

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This is the link to the guide Support

Thanks for pointing that out.

Definitely something that Singular Sound @AnthonySostre can fix as they still have the much older quickstart guide posted at the bottom of the BeatBuddy (BB) product page BeatBuddy: the Next Generation Drum Machine Pedal | Singular Sound; maybe keep both of them?

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That old Quick Start guide doesn’t delve into the Manager software. This is a first (!) single source for Manager info, I believe. That’s not to say it’s comprehensive.
Thank you, Persist

Is there a common acronym the “traditional” songs that have repeating Beat Buddy rhythm (not a one press).

I get why people like the one press songs, but for me, it’s more about having a few sections (e.g., chorus, verse, bridge) that I can switch up on demand.

If we used an acronym, we could search for those types of songs. How about “RRB” for repeating rhythm beat?

It would be really nice for the BB to be able to flag parts as “one shot” (versus repeating) in the editor. One shot parts would play just once (and play the next part … or a part number programmed into the song).

That’s the auto pilot feature. It made a brief appearance in the BBM v1.7 before it was recalled. The BB already supports it, the BBM just needs to be updated.

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Singular Sound initially referred to their content as “beats.” Over time, this has evolved and when I was browsing BeatBuddy: the Next Generation Drum Machine Pedal | Singular Sound FAQ tab I found
What’s the difference between songs, kits, styles, and beats?
The term song refers to the multiple verses, transition beats, fills, etc. that you control. We chose this term because each song is made up of several individual beats. Sometimes you’ll hear other people (or us!) referring to songs as styles or beats, and most people know what you mean by that, but the official term is song.

Maybe one of these days they’ll even get around to updating the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) so that it reflects the Songs but right now the BBM still reflects Beats.

I always refer to the traditional song beats as Multi-Part Beats / Songs.

What we need is a term that is searchable. I like the term beats, but that’s going to match a huge number of articles.

Segmented would be a good term.

So if I just want a song with drums only (Like Most other BB premium content) I would only look for DOP files?

Or, you can get a song with bass, and just use a kit with no bass included. Just watch out for the ones that have a bass at 63 through 91, because those will trigger unwanted drum notes in most kits.

Thank you. This is very useful, particularly for a new member like me.

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