Latest firmware update - plus massive issues with my pedal

This goes to everyone that’s been helping on this thread. Do you all make very custom folders? Cuz that’s the one thing I’ve done with both of my pedals was I went through and moved beats into one folder thats all the ones I use and I also select Different Drum Sets than the default. I like to use percussion a lot instead of a standard drum set. Since it allows you to do those things I’m assuming that it should not mess it up but I’m curious if all of you are doing very custom folders or renaming the Beats into something you like.

Custom folders should not cause a problem. I use custom folders for everything. The rules are 1) No more than 99 songs in a folder. 2) Do not use a period punctuations marks in song or folder names. Apostrophes are OK. A common problem crops up when folks use a period in an abbreviation like for Mr, Mrs, St, etc. 3) Always use BB Manager to move songs between folders. Export and then import songs, if necessary to make copies. Do not drag songs into new folders using the computer’s OS. Do it all within BB Manager. 4) Custom drum sets or drum sets other than the original ones that came with a factory beat normally will be OK. Custom kits recommended for particular OPB songs will sometimes produce odd results in playback of factory beats.

The problems that you are experiencing do not appear to be BB Manager issues. They seem to be related to hardware or firmware. I would try using a switching pedal other than a singular pedal to see of the pedal detection appears to work correctly. A Boss FS-6 would be a good one to try, if you have one available. The Digitech 3 button switch, FS-3X, also works with the BB, although only two of its buttons will work. These, like the BB footswitch, use a TRS (stereo) cable.

Good luck with this. I hope you get it resolved.

Thank for the edit, Persist.

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Thank you so much for that info. I did try an old yamaha keyboard sustain pedal, not like a piano pedal the little square box kind and it would would work just to play /pause.

I import songs via BB manager.
I do name them :

A - Bang - perc
B- Last Day - perc

And on — I save the drum kit I want and the tempo.

Then if I have another song I want that same beat on, I import AGAIN and name it like I have the others.

All are moved into a folder I renamed 'beats I use" I have 29 songs.

That way I can move quickly to what beat I want when.

I also bought premium beats from Singular but used only 1 song or so out of a particular collection.

Do you see an issue with what I am doing? I’ve had 2 pedals mess up and it seems clear to me that the features of BB is that you can customize. Worked great until it didn’t.

I am going to buy the Boss from Amazon to test it.


That all seems fine. Let us know how the Boss pedal works out. I like it for the soft touch, noiseless switches.

Will do it gets here Wednesday.

"Left side switch play/pause. When I want a clean break, break on the 1 step back on the 1 and its back into the beat. Or for a cold hard stop ending. Is this no longer an option?
Right side switch as the main pedal. Intro//outro and fills. Although it won’t set like that."

With v4.1.0 firmware what I can setup with the footswitches that is close to what you want…

Left switch - can be set to function as pause/unpause. Unpause goes back to the normal beat with no fill. If while paused and the Right switch is pressed, a fill is played and the normal beat resumes.

Left switch - can be set to function as pause/outro fill. I don’t have an outro fill enabled, so pressing the Left switch while paused causes an immediate Stop. Enabling an outro fill will play the outro and then Stop if the Left switch is pressed while in pause. If while paused and the Right switch is pressed, a fill is played and the normal beat resumes.

Right switch - emulates the Main pedal to start play (with intros and outros if enabled), fills, and transitions.

If you are back on v3.9.9 firmware I’m not sure this is related to the wonky behaviour of your video #1 transitions.
BeatBuddy Firmware 4.0.1 Changelog
• Main Pedal: Increased debouncing to prevent transition glitches

If it were me I think I’d reinstall the V4.1.0 firmware to see if it clears up the transitions issues shown in the video. In the settings, check the ‘About BeatBuddy’ tab to ensure the firmware got installed.

Yes I was planning on going back to the updated firmware but had issues with it as well, so it was not the fix I’d hoped for. When I had 4.1 before it seems that the PAUSE/UNPAUSE you had to keep the button down the whole time, when you let your foot up then the beat would resume. But what your saying will work for me and how I prefer the setup. THANK YOU for taking the time.

I guess this is the final update. I shipped the whole system back to Singular they are going to test it and contact me within 5-7 after receiving it. I have grabbed a used Alesis HR16 along with the Boss pedal Phil_Flood suggested to whip up some beats up for my next gigs.

I did get the Boss FS 6. The BB easily detected it and I was able to set FS 1 as the main pedal and FS 2 as pause/unpause. But… when I press 2 for a stop and start I have to press it twice so while playing and singing I have to think ahead and give it a pre tap before the downbeat I want to stop clean on… same thing to start on the beat to come back in.

Is this just the way it works?

I don’t normally use pause and unpause. But, you might want to look at the “Cue Fill Settings” in the BB Pedals settings, and see if changing that helps. There is a next bar, next beat, and immediate choice. You might want to try immediate. But again, the Pause is not something that I have expert experience with.

I’m glad the BB found the pedal and appears to be responding to it correctly.

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Will try that. THANK YOU!