BIerch, It is correct for a home-individual-jam-session. But, it is not enough for a real live session.
For a real live session, I think almost it is needed:
Different looper parts: Verso, chorus, etc… there are a lot of songs with differents chords in differents parts.
Different tempo for different parts: Not all the song parts has the same tempo/duration.
A “trigger” option. If your BB has a loop with a duration of “2 times” and your looper has a loop with chords with a duration of “6 times”, you could have problems while you are changing a song part (verso, chorus). In some cases you could change a song part and the loop could start in the time 3, or time 5, instead in time 1.
Record and overdub options: Probably, all loops have this feature.
Midi clock sync: It is the best way to sync a BB with the looper. Without a midi sync system, the devices (looper & BB) will no be synced with strange rythms (syncopated, etc…). In a real live jam, if both devices loss the sync, you will had a problem.
Midi integration. It is not usable to press loop and BB buttons at the same time. So, at the end you will need a midi controller or attach BB events to the looper actions. For example, if I start BB, the looper starts. If I change a song part in BB, the looper must know it. If I stop BB, the looper must stop too.
A finish system. When you are using your beatbuddy with a looper, you will need an easy way to finish song synced both devices. (In my tests, i think a fade out synced system is the best way to finish a jam). I havent seen this feature in commercial loopers.
So, my conclusion is that the jam x2 ditto is the cheapest hardware looper compatible with BB. But BB is only for home sessions.
I don’t know what is the integration level with the professional hardware looper, like infinity one or the new singularsound aereo.