Missing the first beat when using ARM

I arm the Aeros, it’s set to Autoquantize, Aeros as Midi Transmitter, signal to Beat Buddy (Volume off for this example), then through the Midi Maestro. If I try to start the song with a percussive hit on the guitar to make a rhythm loop, the sound on the first beat is truncated and the loop does not sound right. If I use a guitar chord to start, it comes out fine. Any ideas?

Do you have the correct “Range”
In arm mode you need ti set the “Range” correctly

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Thanks for your reply. Are you referring to the “Auto Record Threshold” as I do not see a “Range” setting?

Hi. I own a aeros gold since yesterday. I have the same problem. I want to use it for looping drums. But when i arm , everytime the first beat is missing the first half of the tone. Like turning up the attack.

Hey there,

This is fixed in beta 5.2.0, a new beta 5.2.1 will be coming soon with other fixes but 5.2.0 is very stable if you’d like to try it

Read more here!

Thanks for reporting

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hi, thx for the answer. i installed 5.2 and its a lot better but still in some percussive sounds a little bit is missing. i played with the threshold but it doesnt change much. a little workaround is to lower the volume of the drums and hit harder. then sometimes it works better but for smooth and silent ambient loops the arm function is not the best option. would be nice if 5.2.1 helps with this.

Could you potentially send me an audio sample of what you mean via DM so we can try to use a phone to run it into the Aeros input?

Hi Brennan,
It seems to me that 5.21 has FIXED the problem. What happened was I installed 5.21 from the SD card and then the Aroes asked if I wanted to update via Bluetooth, I said yes and it installed the latest stable 5.20 update which brought back the slight hesitation. When I realized what I had done, I reinstalled the 5.21 and it WORKS just fine!

Thanks to you and Singular Sound for continuing to make these products GREAT and addressing our needs and concerns!

JP Williams

Hi. Where do you find the 5.2.1 firmware?

I don’t think the AEROS 5.2.1 beta has been released for testing to the forum yet.