Hi, I just bought a BeatBuddy. I’ve been going through all the videos and tutorials and instructions.
I have BBManager installed
I have the Firmware updated
I’m trying to to update “Default BeatBuddy Drumset updates” as the instructions say on this page
As I understand, the drumsets are all updated to new 1.2 versions, is that correct?
When I go to File>Import>Drumset and then choose to “open” the file, it does nothing.
It doesn’t give me a box to “tick” with the new name, or appear to do anything.
I’m on a Mac
OK so are you saying that if it says “standard” in BBManager then it is updated? (I bout pedal used, so I guess it could be updated already).
But I also bought a drumset patch, and downloaded a free one from the forum.
I imported them through the instructions. It let me click on the box, but when I go to
File > Syncronize Project (Syncronize Project is greyed out)
Also the kits do not show up on the beat buddy when I put the card back in.
Hi, Trent. Since you bought a used BeatBuddy, it’s hard to say if you have all of the most recent drum sets installed.
If you didn’t install the complete Default BeatBuddy Content Update (DBCU)—the last entry at the bottom of the Software Download page you quoted in your first post of this thread, it would probably be easiest if you just deleted the contents of the SD card and then downloaded, unzipped and copied the DBCU to your SD card. Make sure you’re using your Mac’s SD card slot reader. This way you’ve got all of the drum sets on your card.
Once you’ve done that, leave the card in your Mac and use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) File > Open Project and navigate to your SD card and allow it to load the project; follow the prompts to save the project to your workspace (give it a new name) and then allow it to synchronize.
If your Mac OS is ≥ Sierra, there is a known issue with the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) synchronization menu being grayed out. Here are two threads that may or not help you out