Not saving songs after power-off

This may have been consistent, as the last few times I’ve powered off for the night, I’ve come back and noticed song content missing. The song is still there in the list, it’s just that nothing else has been saved. Just upgraded to 2.13.2.

  • I made 2 of 6 tracks on one part of a new song.
  • Saved the song
  • Turned off Aeros
  • Turned on Aeros
  • Selected Song – content is empty

I then have a song in the song list that has no title, and I cannot delete it from the list of songs, no matter what I do. I make sure other songs are selected, I still have a blank. The unit also can’t open the song –

I’ve noticed this as well on the first free form beta firmware.

So, I deleted all songs (except the blank undeletable) -
Backed the Aeros down to 2.10 firmware.
Once that was done, I rebooted the Aeros.
“Blank” song was gone.
Then I re-installed 2.13.2 (latest BETA).
Added one song yesterday, and it was still there today.

So, this may be a solution to problems with the Beta. I don’t know if I needed to delete all the songs, but did it anyway.