problems using BeatBuddy with solo piano

I went back to my Alesis 18 to play a gig w my old bass player,
all the tunes were embedded in our brains long ago…(no 3/4in BB for Far Away Eyes …etc)
The BBuddy makes sounds like a real drummer when eq’d properly in the PA …
The Alesis still sounded like an automatic drummer…imo :frowning:
I rarely use BB beats for all of the above reasons …
the forum offers up ('more realistic beats, for my liking)
that I’ve editted/manipulated into other songs.

Another option in the Drumkit editor is to edit the velocity layers and removing the louder (harder struck) samples - as long as 1-127 is covered then it should work, then save that as another drumset, won’t help with busy beats or fills but may make them sound like they were played a bit more gently. For me turning down all the drums and going even further on the toms (to make them less boomy) has meant that there is less of a requirement to adjust the volume every time I change kits.

The volume difference between kits is an issue, no question there.

There’s no crash in Country 7. A very small amount of high hat which was tasteful and understated.

Here’s your tractor beat. Use the Metal kit of course.

I’ve considered doing that, but it would be nice if there were a way to do it song-by-song so I would not have to edit every kit.

Good fall-back, though, and might be the only option, currently.


First of all I did not say it’s useless. The content included with the pedal is of no value to me. I bought the pedal because of all the hype and enthusiasm other buyers are creating. Even though I like the mechanics, the way it operates and the updateability of the firmware I feel like I only got part of what I paid for. I’ve used MANY drum machines and I know there are shortcoming with all of them but every one of them had content I could use without editing. IMO I should not have to edit.
I just want what I thought was getting when I bought it and apparently I’m not the only buyer who feels that way. I’m not asking for something extraordinary, just simple basic content the fits with acoustic performances.
Simple rhythms, simple fills and consistent volume so I have one less thing to think about after set up.

As I keep saying everyone has different requirements - you have to make the BB work for you, that is just the way it is. The only solution is to realease new content which costs as it is someone’s lively hood or create it yourself.
I was an early adopter and at that time most of the stock beats were unknown. However once it started shipping and the manager software was out you could download it and sample all the beats. Also on YouTube someone has gone through every song. The premium content also has a preview of every song (not fill) to give you an idea of what content you are getting.

I also think the content and programming of the content is getting better all the time as @GoranGrooves gets used to creating beats.

@JoeInOttawa the beta BBM was meant to have a Drumkit volume option, I think it is this that broke the drum editor, so for now it is volume per instrument using the official version. You could also edit the midi data directly in a DAW, more work I know but I’m trying to give you some solutions.

Hi Abbott,
I am sorry about the frustrations you experienced. I know that other people have had same feelings too and that’s why I created this package:

This is as simple as it gets while covering a variety of beats. Check it out and see if this is what you need.

Interesting topic. I thought the BB was the perfect solution. I’m also a piano player, covers from lionel richie, phil collins etc… easy popsongs. But also has doubts about the ‘heavy’ beats. I didn’t found one song in the download list that is also in my playlist. And a bit expensive for just trying out. The Roland BK-7m is maybe a better option, but twice the price.

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Its dos seem like most of the users are guitar players. I play piano and guitar and do find myself using the BB for guitar more then Piano but I do have beats that I customized for the piano and being that the BB manager makes it so easy to customize or create your own beats the BB is perfect for me. Anther good thing about the BB Manager Software is you can try it for free before buying the BB Pedal

You guys opened an old wound…you can find my pedal for sale here,
I’ll say again…there is absolutely no excuse for ignoring this issue. @Goran I bought the ‘gig basics’ as you could easily have verified,just more of the same crap IMO.

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So, do you just download a midi file, then connect a midi cable from computer to the BB? Mark

Not quite that simple, Mark. I’ve broken the process down into 3 steps. Not everyone wants to transcribe a midi file into a BB song so if you’re one of those folks, you should probably stop after the first step. To get the best sound and features, you will want to use the latest BeatBuddy Manager software and firmware versions which are still in beta.

1.Read the tutorials posted by aashideacon and Guitar Stu:

  1. Do you have or use a DAW? Some users like Reaper (steep learning curve but it’s a good program–free if you’re evaluating it). If you would rather use something simpler, download and install BeatBuilder created by Charles Spencer:

  2. Find a midi file for a song that you like at; I suggest a simple beat to learn with and apply the steps from the tutorials. When you run into problems and can’t find the answers after searching here on the forum, post your questions to see if any of the users can help you.

Here are some of live challenges/suggestions to make process easier.

  1. Ending fills are all one bar should be all be two. NO CUE FOR OTHER MUSICIANS
  2. The extra pedal/connection/software is unreliable. ONGOING PROBLEM
  3. The Boss-like design doesn’t work with double taps, IT PUSHES THE PEDAL AWAY
    The rubber bottom has worse grip than other pedals and needs to better than other pedals.
  4. The supplied fills are often goofy and overplayed. WHO HAS TIME TO RECREATE ALL THESE? GUITARISTS?


It Is a great product but playing live is a challenge:cool:
Here is my list at the moment

  1. Ending fills are all one bar should be all be two. NO CUE FOR OTHER MUSICIANS :eek:
  2. The extra pedal/connection/software is unreliable. ONGOING PROBLEM SAD:(
  3. The Boss-like design doesn’t work with double taps, IT PUSHES THE PEDAL AWAY :mad:
    [INDENT]The rubber bottom has worse grip than many other pedals and needs to better than other pedals.
  4. The supplied fills are are a bit goofy and overplayed. WHO HAS TIME TO RECREATE ALL THESE? GUITARISTS?o_O


check out the Korg Stageman 80. I freakin’ love this machine! All my grips about drum machines are solved with this piece of gear. My beatbuddy was history months ago

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Glad you found something that works well for you, Abbott. Was wondering why we hadn’t heard from you in a while . . . :rolleyes:

Hi everyone, It’s a year on from when I started this thread and recently I had a new gig with more of a pop style, here in Siem Reap, and thought let’s try the Beat Buddy once more. For this gig I use the excellent Korg microArranger, and as before Sennheiser mic through a MicMechanic vocal processor, Behringer 1000Watt powered speaker, so it’s all sounding lovely.

Such a shock mid gig to switch to the beat buddy, which sounded ok at home, but in the reality of a noisy cafe the EQ was off, the beats did not settle in the mix, either too quiet or swamping the mid range. EVERY KEYBOARD MANUFACTURER ON THE PLANET has resolved all this and has better sounds for live gigs, sounds that support diverse styles of music.

Nice to have comments from people with so much free time to edit drumbeats on a DIY product falsely sold and expensively priced as a professional tool ready out of the box. Sorry that some here are still in the tyranny of having to adjust EQ and have extra boxes to lug and plug, I also remember the 1980s, great times, life was slower and the public did not expect that perfect studio sound from live musicians, those were the days, eh! Golly, even 6 years ago we had an engineer full time on the mixer for our 6 piece band, and someone to lug the gear, but venues no longer have the cash to pay more than one or two performers, and thank god for smaller lighter everything these days with micro this and that so it all just sounds better by itself.

THERE IS A CENTRAL PROBLEM with keyboards, that each keyboard has a different on board drumming or none at all on the best pianos - an acoustic grand for example.

For every gig I have to think, which keyboard for the best sounds, and then forget that, the one with the suitable drumbeats is the one I have to use.

Do BeatBuddy not see the huge market for basically a portable beat machine that works the same songlist with whatever keyboard, preferably better than most on board keyboard drums!

I am just sad that the replies over 12 months show Beat Buddy have no soul. No commitment to improvement. Or have I missed some development? I do get emails, recently one to post onFace book what I really think of BeatBuddy…!

I repeat, I have paid top dollar for an unusuable box. I bought extra drums and extra beats, all disappointing and overdrummed and with boomy EQ, last month I bought GrooveMonkey and got half a set of jazz styles, better but not ready to gig at all.

The Korg MicroArranger does have superb drumbeats, wonderful sounds, and all styles, but it has microkeys, looks like a toy, tricky to play well with small keys. Looks lightweight for the tuxedo bow tie gigs in posh hotels. What I want is the portable beatbuddy interface with start fill chorus and stop, human feel recordings, and the sensible EQ and understated drumming of most keyboard drumbeats, OnSong MIDI setup, … we are so near and yet so far.

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Sorry I find your comment regard people on this forum and the developers of BB insulting.
No need for what you said. you dont like it then go away and never come back.