Michael Jackson’s PYT is another song file I finished up recently. Key is E minor. When my daughter was about 2 or 3, she used to sing it with me so it’s got a special place in my heart. 11 years later, I’m hoping she’ll sing a little bit with me this Friday night at a gig.

Uses Phil Flood’s Sub Std Pro PL Bass 0-31 (although I use a slightly modified version to lesson the cymbals).

PYT.sng (58.4 KB)


Can you do a drums only version, please, please.
this won’t open in my BBM>

The same solution applies to this situation as from this link: Like A Prayer OPB - #4 by persist

Please try changing the drum set to the SUB-Standard Pro Plain kit which will play just the drums.

(First, THANK YOU for all the great beats you offer. Amazing)

The Sng. file will not import into BBM. (If it did, I would then, yes, change the drumset to a bassless drumset. But I can’t even get it imported. The error message, says its too big.

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