I am new in this forum. I just downloaded a new song from here http://mybeatbuddy.com/forum/index.php?threads/beatbuddy-with-bass-lines-is-here.1962/ but when I load this song in the BBManager it says the Default Drum Kit Rock with Bass is missing.
So, my question is, how could I download this drum kit?
Please, help me out.
I just added a link to the Beatbuddy with basslines thread to take you to a tutorial by Psalm40 on how to install a user created drum kit.
Thanks :). I really appreciate your help.
I just install your Drum with base and I really impressed…
very nice job. I really like it and hope will get more exiting things from you in future. 
I ONLY use drums with bass. I do a one man show and its fun to have a whole backup band behind you, especially one that usually has no contradicting opinions! ha! If you lookup my posts, you’ll find a ton of drums with bass songs. That’s the best way to learn it, by examining working ones.