Midi system “exclusiv” message sems able to send a name via midi command.
Could it be possible to send a “Name Song” via midi to Beat buddy to select the equivalent song (if exist in a bank) ?
Midi system “exclusiv” message sems able to send a name via midi command.
Could it be possible to send a “Name Song” via midi to Beat buddy to select the equivalent song (if exist in a bank) ?
Not currently but you could make the thread a feature requests
The BBFF phone app comes as close as currently possible. Personally I haven’t tried it but check it out if interested
I suggest Moderator to move it in “Request”
By the Way, opportunity could be really interesting for programmer like Zubersoft (Mobile Sheets)
Personally I prefer unique address of the folder and song position It would help to see that information directly from the BB song itself
With song names there comes questions such as:
And possibly some other issues too
But if upon request BB would send a list of those names including some meta data then that would be a game changer With this approach the unique position could be included in the meta data
Thanks for reaching out! I’ve forwarded your request to our dev team. Any updates will be posted here.
The duplicate names is the responsibility of the song creator… The first matching name in the first bank will be selected.
It is not possible to have two duplicate names in a bank.
The name shoult be exact matching, make it simple would make it bettter
In addition : I dont undertand why you moved to “MIDI Maestro” ?
It concerm mainly the Beat Buddy isnt’it ?
Hey there,
This is not something we will be doing, you will have to get used to using MIDI song select as it works now
The BeatBuddy and MIDI Maestro manuals and the forum itself have extensive information on how to do so.
Check out this helpful page:
Thank you for your request.
BeatBudy stay a Geek pedal, not for single user…
I would retort that it seems way geekier to have a custom sys ex command! MSB and LSB are just 2 basic CC commands (MSB = CC:0, LSB = CC:32)and for song select you just need to also send a PC command. You would just need to send the commands in a string. If you can send a custom sys ex, a string of 3 commands should be easy to do as well. If you’re having trouble identifying what commands to send, you can always refer to your project in the BBMO, the commands needed to open the song are detailed in the bottom left of the screen while the song is selected and open.
Anyways, thank you for your feedback!
ok sorry if my comment offended you. But if you are a simple user you will notice that the buttons are geek oriented, while for example the very beautiful and unfortunately limited Korg KR55 offers a pre-selection of “all-purpose” sounds very useful in rehearsal. You can easily choose a starting count and a pre-recorded sound. You should also look into these facilities.
In addition, in Windows App I didn’t find your command)
I suppose your example is on with Web App ?
The Manager is not bad but remains basic, and you need strong Midi and RPM knowledge to configure it…
It is true that with the “Drum set” button reoriented to “Song set” (if you do it in an update), this will already facilitate a quick pre-selection for basics users.
Definitely not offended, just a small joke! Thank you for your feedback
I think the problem here is that Midi by itself is geeky
@Jazzyboomers say if I’m wrong but perhaps you are after a solution that someone else could implement and that would require this feature from the BB side
I have taken a note that you are a fellow MobileSheets user, right? So there if the sysex string option would be enabled then one could just write the name of the beat and that’s it
But with MobileSheets there is an even simpler solution which is to implement code that takes the BB project, extracts the song names and any meta data and inserts those to the MobileSheets with the needed midi commands. Then you can select by name or search by name etc This is also how the BBFF mobile app works
There just would have to be that someone who has time to do this