Songs files not playing properly?

When I download the free song files to my computer and save them. Then I import the songs to my new songs folder they don’t play properly. What am I doing wrong?

Could you define “ not playing properly”?

Some (not all, though) user-created songs require a double-tap to begin playing. Also, make sure you have the drum set active for what the song calls for.

I import them in and a couple sounds like something missing and a couple just didn’t sound like drums.

Make sure you have the drum set imported and active that the song calls for. If it’s a one-press with bass song and you don’t have that particular kit loaded in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM), it may not sound as expected.

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Tha could very well be my problem. So I’ll check that. Also would you k ow if there’s a sng for LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO FALL A PART by Merle.

Sorry, no.


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