Tutorial for BBManager version 1.5.0

I’m sorry, rknrne, it doesn’t recognize and start the process. I’m probably not doing something right, because I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do. When I do file > export > project to SD card, it gives me a screen with ‘favorites, devices, and tags’ on the left side. Under ‘devices’, is “remote disc” and “SD Reader”. When I click on “SD Reader”, it shows multiple icons of which 4 of them are highlighted…drumsets, effects, Params, songs. I have choices at the very bottom of that window… New Folder, Cancel, Open. If I click “open” without clicking on any of the 4 icons listed, it gives me another message box that says,
"Project should be exported to the top of SD card in order for your pedal to work.

Choose No to export to /Volumes/SD Reader at your own risk.
Choose Yes to export to / instead "

Again, 3 choices…Cancel, No, Yes. What am I doing wrong? What am I supposed to do? Thank you!

Choose No to export to /Volumes/SD Reader at your own risk (the attached screen shot should help; the highlighted file is what ever you’ve named your project).

Thank you, persist. That worked! I appreciate your help.

Glad it worked for you.

I’m confused already. The top instructions make it sound like this was backup procedure but then it tells you to link to the project which in effect means it’s not a backup but a workspace.
Which one is it? also the workspace by default points to my C: drive, I want it to live on my D: drive instead.
How do I start over and do I need to change the workspace location before I go through this “1st” step? Even after deleting the project files, I’m not going through this 1st time initialization. I’ll try uninstalling and reinstalling BBManager and changing the workspace path before anything else.

EDIT: didn’t work, it still remembers I had aporject opened at that previous location (which I now deleted) so I get an error mesasge every time I start BBManager and I can’t find a clsoe or delete project option…

also, does this mean that I can’t use multiple computers to work with beatbuddy? sounds like if I make changes with one computer and sync, they will be lost on a second computer?

Bricked my BB while trying to fix this and can’t find instructions on how to unbrick. Emailed support, we’ll see.
EDIT: I unbricked my BB following instructions here

No longer applicable.