Volume Across Songs

You can normalize the volume of all songs using audio editing software like Audacity or a batch processor. This will ensure consistent volume across all tracks.

Mini Militia App Lock

Can you use that during live gig? :thinking:

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From a programming perspective it probably wouldn’t be too big a deal. If you applied a 5% bias to a song in the BBMO it would just increase the velocities across that song. Apps like Audacity have no issues with this.

What you suggest isn’t a big deal, but then you’d need to duplicate each song for each set list where you want to have different volume :relieved:

Another issue could be the usage of velocities which is not identical to volume (it’s related but not the same) :thinking:

Anyway, I feel that there are multiple wants, needs and ideas floating around and around in this thread. Additionally, communicating those things is difficult so I think SS will just make their decision one way or the other :smiling_face:

Best way is to make a feature request and hope for the best :yum:

Your first statement is exactly what I would like.

I only mention velocity as this is the suggested method of changing volume by SS. But currently you have to go and change every hit individually.

They could also apply a bias on the pedal volume for the song.

Lots of options depending on the actual code.