About the Help, Questions and Bugs category

Got a question that our FAQs can’t answer? Select the relevant category for your pedal type and post your question to that category to ask the community here for help.

Please do not post to the About the Bugs/Help category as it is not monitored regularly.

8 posts were split to a new topic: Posts moved from the About category

Hi I’m having trouble with downloading Groove monkey. I down loaded the file and then I unzipped it. Looks like it unzipped the file and I can see the songs. But, i can’t get the songs in the right format to download to beat buddy. Ive downloaded individual premium songs before and when I unzipped them, a yellow file would show with a picture of beatbuddy underneath the file would show. I would click on the picture ofr beatbuddy and download it to card and beatbuddy worked perfect. But, when I unzipped the groove monkey file, everything unzips, but the little picture of beatbuddy does not show up, only the unzipped yellow file. Obvious, Im not computer savvy. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? thanks

I am new to the forum. I have a BeatBuddy and Aeros studio. I have questions but I can’t seem to find how you actually ask a question. Please help. Thanks.

Hi, My brand new Beat Buddy suddenly won’t allow random songs to play back in the BB manager. Example: Only one of the Hand Percussion songs will play back. This just started happening.

I have been looking for oriental drum set and i couldnt. I wish if anyone can help me creating a drum set from a list of wav files i can send.

Thank you guys