Accent Hit Samples

Thanks again! And yes–this forum is GREAT! Okay, I’ve done a little test:

I changed the Footswitch Accent Hit Function to a Global sound to some obnoxious vocal sound, so I would definitely know if it made that sound no matter what song I select, and it does. So I would think that using the “default accent” would change when the song changes. But when it’s on “default” it ALWAYS plays the same cymbal crash. Do ALL the songs come programmed with the same accent sound?!?

Anyway, I guess I’m back to my original question…

Is there a way to import this cowbell WAV sound into the Accent Hit>Global>Select options (via the Beat Buddy Mgr. Software) without having to go song by song to change the accent hit individually?

its in the manual:

• Global Accent Hit: A single sound triggered with any song or song part you are in (as opposed to the Default Accent Hit which is a sound set to the
• Choose from all the Accent Hits available on the SD card and any WAV files added in the EFFECTS folder of the SD Card. (Settings > Footswitch > Accent hit > Source)
• Accent Hit Volume: You can now adjust the accent hit volume! Accent volume can range from [-40db, + 6db], Default value is set to 0db. (Settings > Footswitch > Accent hit > Volume)

So, once you put the cowbell in a song, and then save the project to the SD card, the cowbell, SHOULD be available to select via the pedal settings.

Thanks, Phil! I guess I did not understand the manual because I didn’t understand the vocabulary without something tangible to attach it to. So I don’t need the BBM to do this? Can I just drop the WAV file into the Effects folder on the SD card via my computer?

No, no, no no, no… only add to your SD card using B.B. Manager. As I said, first, add the wav to a song in B.B. manager, as the Accent hit for the song, then, save the project in B.B. Manager. After that, from BB manager go to File>Export>project to SD card. Next, put your card in the BB pedal, and go to the pedal settings to select the global Accent hit.

Horrible things happen when you try to manage the content of the SD card using the computer’s file/finder system. Only, only, only use BB manager to move data on and off of the SD card.

So, in between waiting for replies, I’m still researching the Forums for anything I can learn to help me use this pedal, and I came across a link that said something about updates to all the default drum sets that add tambourine, shaker and cowbell to every drum set.
Are these things that were added automatically to mine with the newest firmware update (that I have)? Or is this something that has to be done separately? How do I know if I have these newer drums? And if that’s the case, then I should already have a cowbell sound on my pedal as a global option (which I do not).

Hey, I appreciate your patience. I’ve been scouring the forums for 2 days now. I’m finding more answers today than I could yesterday–I kept getting server errors and no results from searches. That seems to be fixed today.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

“Horrible things!” DULY NOTED!

If your basic kits are numbered, for example, Rock 1.1, Metal 1.1, etc., then you have the updated kits with cowbell and tambourine. Otherwise, it’s something you have to download from Singular. Let me see if I can find the link.

Thanks, Phil! Darn! I see they also have a link to “Download Updated SD Card Backup”, which says, “This SD card backup contains all updated default drumsets as well as additional Hand Percussion Beats mini and Ballad Beats mini songs.” That could have saved me the step of importing each set, as I already had to wipe my SD card and start from scratch today. I’m not sure how to make this suggestion to them, but maybe Singular Sound could put this updated SD card backup on this page, in place of the current link (which is not updated–as evidenced by the backup I had to do today from that file). I would wipe my card and start over with this file, but I already placed all my purchased premium content on there, and that would be more work to re-add.

You’ve all been MOST HELPFUL! Thank you!


I’m still working on this issue, but I think I finally found a work-around, so I’m going to post detailed instructions (like I would need if I were looking) here for others for future reference:

Step 1 (Didn’t completely work): First of all, when I used BBM (Beat Buddy Manager program) to change an accent hit in a song to a cowbell WAV sound I had downloaded to my computer, and then saved the project [in BBM: File>Save Project, then File>Synchronize Project], I still could not find the Cowbell as an Accent Hit option (neither on the BB Pedal menu nor under Accent options in BBM [following the down arrow in the accent hit box of the song]). I forgot to check to see if it sounded like a cowbell on that particular song when played on the BB with a default Accent Hit chosen. In future tests, it DID sound like a cowbell, so I think that part of it worked. On to step 2.

Step 2 (Also didn’t work): When I found out about the Updated Default Drum Sets with tambourine, shakers and cowbells, I imported them into BBM hoping not to have to mess with adding an external WAV file to a song. Then clicked on a song name from the list on the left and over in the right part of the screen I changed the default drum set to the updated default version. At this point–just in case–I saved the project and then synchronized the project [in BBM: File>Save Project, then File>Synchronize Project]. Then I clicked on the accent hit in the song to look for a cowbell to change it to. The library of WAV files opened up with no changes–no cowbell listed (even though the new drum set is supposed to have cowbell). Saved and Synchronized again to save new drums. On to step 3.

Step 3 (This worked–sort of!): So I noticed that the file that was being opened to get the WAV sound choices was actually on my computer [C:\Users***\Documents\BBWorkspace\default_lib\wave_sources] rather than on the SD card, I decided to drag three free cowbell WAV files from my download folder to that BBWorkspace folder. Again, I saved the project and then synchronized the project, and CAN NOW FIND COWBELL AS AN OPTION FOR ACCENT HITS. So as a test, I changed a song’s accent hit to Cowbell3 (the one I liked the best). Again Save and Synchronize [in BBM: File>Save Project, then File>Synchronize Project]. At this point I exited BBM only to get some sort of error message about not being able to remove my Cowbell files from some folder, which I decided to ignore, and then safely removed the SD Card to insert into the BB for a final test. I pressed the BB Drum Knob and Tempo Knob at the same time to get into the BB Menu: Footswitch>Accent Hit>Source>Global>Select> AND THE COWBELL SHOWED UP AS AN OPTION–but ONLY the Cowbell3 sound I actually used in a song. The other two disappeared–not sure if this is where the error came from.

Step 4 (THIS WORKED!): Brought the SD card back to my computer and opened BBM and waited for it to do it’s thing “Parsing Project Files”. I went to different songs and changed the two available accent hits one to Cowbell1 and the other Cowbell2 (while they did NOT show up in step 3 on the BB pedal for options, the WAV files were still in the folder on my computer). Again Save Project and Synchronize and exited BBM. During the exit of BBM the error message came back–something about Directory Cleanup: Unable to delete a temp file in history (related to Cowbell3 somehow–not sure how). I chose Retry, which did not work, and then chose Abort. I removed the SD Card and inserted it into the BB Pedal. Now ALL 3 ADDED Cowbell WAV files show up on the Accent Hit>Source>Global>Select menu! SO WHILE THIS WORKED, I’m not sure I want those songs I changed to actually keep the cowbell sound as an accent. It might be better that they were left as created, so on to a FINAL TEST.

FINAL TEST: With the SD Card back in BBM, I changed the accent hits from those songs back to their original cymbal crash sounds to see if the cowbell sounds still show up as Accent Hit options on the pedal if they aren’t in any songs. Save/Sync and exit Back to BB Pedal: THE COWBELLS NO LONGER SHOW UP AS OPTIONS! I still don’t know why I don’t have cowbell, shaker or tambourine as options for accents if they are supposedly available on the updated drums sets. But I’m going to add my free cowbell WAV’s to a song I probably won’t ever use just to get them as options for when I want them as a Source>Global>Select option! At least I know it can be done in the workaround.

Thanks, everyone! Now enough of this technical stuff–it’s time to go make some MUSIC! …MORE COWBELL!!..♫ :slight_smile:

LOL!!! As they say, “When all else fails, read the manual”. Unfortunately I would have flunked that pop quiz! I haven’t read the changes to the last firmware revision.

Thanks for pioneering this for us. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else have questions about the GLOBAL accent hit since it got added to the 2.04 firmware. I likely would have just started editing songs to get the cowbell wherever I wanted it, but that’s me. I will try a streamlined version of your process later in the week, to see what works. Maybe a default cathedral bell, just to wake everyone up.

Just remembered a helpful hint I learned although this works on Windows and I don’t know if it works on the Mac version. In BBM if you call up, say the Latin kit or World Percussion kit… or any kit with a lot of percussion instruments, you can get some pretty good .wav files from there. Better yet you can sample them right there to hear what they sound like.

Just call up the kit and click on the Browse button on the .wav file you want. On the pop up screen that comes up, select the file (don’t double-click), right-click the file, and then just Cancel out of everything so you don’t change anything. Then just Paste the file in whatever folder you want.

Has anyone done an end of song type accent hit with maybe a crash/Kick or even a quick snare roll to a crash/kick?

Actually never mind, just made a couple with Cakewalk. Where can I put them to make them available?

If you are uploading as .sng files:

If you are uploading as .wav files: /samples