Adding effects pedal and using Gold Edition foot pedals to activate FX

Hi there,

I have the Aeros Loop Studio Gold Edition being sent to me in the next couple days and wondering if anyone has any suggestions of a good Multi-FX pedal to use with it as it sounds like the Aeros won’t be adding FX to the loop studio. I am hoping to utilize the silent foot switches on the Aeros Gold to activate FX (like reverb & delay on both guitar & vocals) so that I can perform in very quiet environments (like sound healings & yoga classes). Is there a way to do this? And any suggestions of which ones are most compatible with the Aeros Loop Studio? Thanks!

The Aeros is not a midi controller and does not send midi on footswitch presses.

AFAIK it can send midi clock, midi cc when a song is loaded, and start/stop/transition, etc.

The Aeros could use more footswitches, and they have done an amazing job cramming in many looper features on them. This doesn’t leave room for it to be a midi controller.

I’d love an all in one Aeros v2 that had my modeling and some effects, but I doubt that would happen. Perhaps they join forces with another company and compete with Boss/Headeush who borrows this from their other products and make a larger looper. It would be risky since many people like their own effects and not everyone wants to pay even more for a larger looper, etc.

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Line 6 has a nice line of multi effects pedals. Line 6 has been consistently putting out two major firmware updates per year. Capacitive touch switches and very quiet.
Consider the Line 6 Stomp (small form factor and quite versatile).
A slightly larger form would be the Stomp XL (better routing options and MIDI control).

Some users mention using the Headrush as well as Fractal Axe pedals.

Here’s some reviews: Best Multi-Effects Pedals 2023: upgrade your sound | GuitarPlayer. Check out Sweetwater and Reverb for current prices.


Just wanted to update and let you know that I ended up picking up the “TC Helicon Perform VG” as it has silent buttons (made for hand activation) that allows for both guitar & vocal effects (Reverb, Delay, Chorus, etc.) and so far I am liking it a lot! It seems like probably not the best effects “pedal” on the market but really nice for someone trying to have live effects and still being silent while activating those effects (ideal in sound healing and/or yoga classes and the like) rather than the loud clicks you hear with most pedals. Thanks you two for your input and thanks SS for the Aeros Gold Edition! Absolutely loving this looper :raised_hands::pray::+1:


A silent midi controller like the McMillen Softstep may be one solution.