Adding new Bars in BBMO

Hi All,

Is it possible to add bars to any position (i.e middle of a file) in the midi editor section of BBMO?

I know you can double the length, add or remove bars at the end of the file, but, i cannot find a way to add blank bars to a file at any point other than the end.
For instance, i have a DOP song (screenshot below) it has 106 bars, i want to insert 2 bars at the 12 bar count position.
I want the remainder of the song to stay as is.
I know you can select/highlight whole sections/notes and move them with the arrow keys, unfortunately, other than my PC zoom function, there is no zoom function on BBMO that i am aware of that will allow me to zoom out far enough to highlight all the notes from the 12th bar to the 106th.

I hope this makes sense, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



For this purpose, I’d recommend using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) like Reaper to edit the MIDI file and reimport it to the BBMO. This will allow you to add bars at any position and make more detailed edits. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

Hi Daniel
Thank you for the reply.
I have used that method, I was just hoping there may have been a solution within BBMO to save time, especially if it’s only a couple of bars adding to a song.
Hopefully it may be something to look at in the future for BBMO.
Although it has its limits, I will say BBMO is a vast improvement from BBM so thumbs up to Singular Sound for that :+1:


I also think it would be a great addition. On my side I sometimes change the structure of a song, to add a solo part for example. The need of an additional software for someone who doesn’t “write” songs in midi is a drawback. As a new user I found already confusing the co-existence of BBM and BBMO. With the advice of persist (thanks to him for all his support) I’m now using BBMO only, but I feel frustrated not to be able to “dig in”.

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Stability of BBM is mostly due to it not having any recent updates. I believe when SS says BBM is a dead end. I guess they could only fix most of the bugs in existing features but couldn’t add any new features :thinking:

And the instability of BBMO is due to some of the following things:

  • developers not fully familiar with the code
  • code coverage of automated unit tests is not high
  • no beta release where feature interference (also known as bugs) could be removed

The good thing is that instability doesn’t equal to dead end :blush: So bugs can be fixed, beta releas could be taken into use, code coverage could be increased, and while doing all this the developers will learn the code much better :smiling_face: And most importantly new things can be added :sunglasses: