Hello there
I use strymon zuma on my pedalboard as power supply. I supply Aero with 9V and 500ma. This setup worked for the last 2 month.
I changed nothing on my pedal board. But 9 V and 500ma seems no more enough. Aero does no more boot.
But using the original power supply from singularsound, aero is booting.
I would like to use strymon zuma for all pedals on my board, inclusive Aero. What could be the problem with the power supply from strymon zuma? 500ma shoud be enough, I think?
500ma is adequate and should work no problem. When the Aeros doesn’t work with the Zuma PS are all other audio cables plugged in or have you tried the Aeros isolated with just the Zuma PS connection? And of course tried a different cable to connect the Aeros and the Zuma
The Zuma as 2 outlets that are switchable, 9v-12v-18v. If the outlet has a switch next to it, make sure it’s set to 9v. Or use any other non-switchable outlet; they are all 9v 500mA.
The problem started while playing my gitarre/pedal board, using a non-switched outlet (9V/500mA).
You gave me a new hint: Next time in the band location I will use Aero with an other cable while strymon zuma supplies power only for Aero. This shoud work.
Thank you very much. I will report the result but it takes some time. I’m once a week in the band location.
Today I was in the band location. Before doing changes and new tests, I startet Aero as usualy with strymon zuma (9v 500mA) and … Aero booted succesfully.
I can’t explain but everything is all right again. Im not able to give you an explanation for the failture some days ago as well I can^t give you an explanation for succesfully booting today.
Anyway. Thank you for your support.
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