For a song, I have 3 pre recorded parts on the Aeros (verse, bridge, chorus) and 6 parts on the BeatBuddy (verse 1, bridge 1, chorus 1, verse 2, bridge 2, chorus 2)
The aeros is set as master.
I want to cycle trought the parts using the Aeros “next part” button.
The problem is that when I am on chorus 1 and I want to go to the verse 2, it plays the verse 1 on the BB. It seems that the part 1 of the Aeros (verse) is linked to the part 1 of the BB (verse 1).
It do like this : Aeros part 1 / BB part 1 → Aeros part 2 / BB part 2 → Aeros part 3 / BB part 3 → Aeros part 1 / BB part 1
But the second time that the Aeros go to the part 1 (verse) I want to play the part 4 of the BB (verse 2) and not the part 1 (verse 1)
A similar thing happens if I have 3 pre recorded parts on the Aeros (verse, bridge, chorus) and only 2 parts on the BeatBuddy.
Changing part with the Aeros do this :
Aeros part 1 / BB part 1 → Aeros part 2 / BB part 2 → Aeros part 3 / BB part 2 → Aeros part 1 / BB part 1…
It seems that a part on the Aeros is linked to the part with the same number on the BB. When swithing to a part on the Aeros, it trigger the corresponding BB part if it exists, or stay in the actual BB part if it don’t exists.
Is there a way to unlink the parts between Aeros and BB ?
This is a workflow type challenge, and I’ve yet to find a looper that can cover all workflow situations, and I’m on my 4th one. There may be a simple way to achieve this as I’m not an expert on either BB or Aeros.
3 parts on Aeros, 6 parts on BB - consider if 6 by 6 would work.
Other way round, to select specific parts on the BB directly you could look at midi eg Maestro pedal or such, that would enable to jump straight to a / any part.
Personally (and it is just that - personal preference) two or three transitions on the BB is pretty good for what I do and I mix it up with a lot more fills or crashes if needing to make it different.
I’d be interested in other ideas but hope this somehow helps. KR Carl
Hey there,
My 2c on the best way to achieve what you want is to edit the BeatBuddy song in the BeatBuddy Manager to have the same number of parts as your Aeros song.
This will make it easier on you, otherwise, you would need to control them independently somehow using MIDI, which would likely be complicated
Keep in mind that the Aeros, when Transmitter (master), does an excellent job of transitioning and stopping the BeatBuddy to the associated parts, making it easy to control just the Aeros with the Maestro and let the Aeros control the BeatBuddy or just use the Aeros directly without a Maestro.
Thanks for the question!