So I’ve got an acoustic plugged into the left input and output on my Aeros, and an electric plugged into my right input and output. I’ve updated to the latest firmware. I got the output set to mono, but when for example I am using the acoustic it is outputting to the acoustic amp and to the right output (electric amp). Does anybody know of a workaround for this? I thought there would be a way to do kind of a dual mono setup. Acoustic into Aeros to Acoustic Amp via left input and output–then electric into Aeros to electric amp via right input and output. Any help is appreciated! @DavidPackouz @BrennanSingularSound
Hey there, if you are using either a stereo signal or two mono signals, setting the Aeros to playback (Main Settings/Global) in mono will cause both L+R input channels to be sent separately to both L+R Outputs.
Like so:
[ L+R(In)>L (Out) ] +[ L+R(In)>R(Out) ]
This is known as summation.
This effectively doubles the overall signal if you are using two amplifiers/speakers/headphones (BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN MONITORING)
In your case, you would need to set the Aeros to record and playback in stereo, that way each signal will be sent to the respective amp.
No problem, my pleasure!
This is also a “dual mono” question, so I did not start a new topic:
I would like to have (i) electric guitar (i.e., instrument signal) go into the Aeros right input and out of the right output into a guitar amp, and (ii) my keyboard (i.e., line level signal) go into the Aeros left input and out of the left output into my powered speaker. Possible? Guidance appreciated.
I have also posted this in another thread in the Aeros support/bugs area, so apologies if I am breaking protocol by repeating here (please let me know).
I would like to have (i) electric guitar (i.e., instrument signal) go into the Aeros right input and out of the right output into a guitar amp, and (ii) my keyboard (i.e., line level signal) go into the Aeros left input and out of the left output into my powered speaker. Possible? Guidance appreciated.
To add to what I posted in the support / bugs area, my keyboard signal is clipping in the Aeros, so I want to know if I’m doing something wrong / unsupported, or the if the simple answer is to turn the keyboard volume way down.
Since this expands (just a little) on your other post, I joined it with your existing post in this thread.
When in stereo, anything coming into left channel goes out the left channel. Same for the right channel.
Where those signals come from or go to can be one or two instruments and one or two output devices.
Whether the input clips or the output is the proper level has nothing to do with having different assignments for left and right.
Yes, you need to adjust your incoming level not to clip. On the output, you may need to adjust the gain. Nothing to do with the Aeros and stereo other than there’s no pan control in Aeros (yet). Want more control today? Get a mixer.
Thanks. I should have been more clear about my concern: Aeros asks in Settings whether the main input is line level or instrument level. I’m looking to use one of each. I wanted to ask before proceeding because it wasn’t sounding quite right.