Aeros Firmware 5.2.x

Firmware 5.2.0 still seems to be in the beta state. Does anyone know when a final version will be available?

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Hey all,

So far 5.2.1 is under work with some useful bug fixes, there was a recent update given on the loop decay feature:

We are finalizing the release and hope to have it out as soon as possible. 5.2.0 as it stands will not be going live to WiFi and will be replaced with beta 5.2.1, that being said we are very confident in the stability of 5.2.0 and encourage using it.

Thank you for your patience and questions

Unfortunately, we could not reproduce using the information given, if you’d like to investigate this issue, please contact so they can further assist you. We are not able to reproduce on 5.2.0 or 5.1.1, the count in working as intended despite recreating the scenario

We hope to have new videos soon!

Thanks for the feedback

:tada::tada::tada: Excellent news

Thanks for the feedback!

We are still looking into the panning feature

Stay tuned!

We could not reproduce using the information given, if you’d like to investigate this issue, please contact so they can further assist you.

One mixer handles the levels of the tracks in each part and the loop’s master level and the other handles the input levels, output meters, and click level control. It was advised against us by our designer to overcomplicate the screen so we did 2 pages

Thanks for reporting we can reproduce this bug, so we will look into it!

We could not reproduce this in the version currently in testing, so potentially this is fixed

Thanks for reporting!


2 posts were split to a new topic: Bug when loading backing tracks

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bug when loading backing tracks

New version 5.2.1 has been posted in the original post! :point_up_2:



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Following 2 days of testing with 5.2.1, this does indeed appear to be fixed. Thank you!!!

  • Slim

Hey Brennan,Quick question…I am using Beta 5.2.1 for the Aeros and wanted to see if there is a way to route loops with backing tracks to the Aux Out so that I can EQ them separately from my guitar ?


If it helps…I don;t have any other tracks other than the backing track as part of a saved Backing Track Loop . so in other words I am not adding anything to the back track wav…just want it to be able to go to a different channel so I can EQ the backing track separate from the guitar.

Hi Rhannon1,
It’s not possible to route different tracks inside the Aeros Loop Studio to different outputs.

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Rhannon1 doesn’t want to route different tracks to different outputs. They just said they only use one track. They just want to route live guitar and playback to different outputs. This can be done in current non-beta firmware (5.1.1 manual p.65) and I presume in the betas as well.

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DUDE!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this! Yes you are correct that is exactly what I was /am needing and so you have saved me a whole lot of heartache!! Thanks again brother!!!


When I turn on the Aeros I get the message that new software is available. I downloaded and installed Firmware beta v5.2 but the software that it wants me to update to is v5.1.1. I’m assuming it’s two different things but just want to make sure before I screw something up.

If you are happy with the beta of 5.2.1, you can safely ignore the prompt to update to 5.1.1, the last official release of the firmware.

Version 5.2.1 is no longer beta and is now available for download over Wifi! Download links for the updated manual have been added to the original post :point_up_2:


Good job
I’m very curious to know what will become of Bluetooth?
Any information about ?

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Thanks for the new Update. I found a bug with the Mixer Controls. If I sent MIDI CC:20 to control the Master Fader, the currently selected fader moves too. This should only be the case with CC:27.
This worked perfectly with the last firmware, and this new behavior was started with the update.

This behavior only happens when I’m in the Mixer 1 Window. CC:20 works as expected and only changes the Master volume if the Mixer 1 window is closed. So, this is a workaround for me.

Is there a way to fix this?

Thank you for bringing this issue with the Mixer Controls to our attention. I’ve reached out to the dev team regarding the bug, and I’ll update you in response to your email sent to

As for Bluetooth, I currently don’t have any information on that.

2 posts were split to a new topic: 5.2.1 One Shot Parts suggestion

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Decay for overdubs (Loop Decay)