I have my Aeros Looper connected to my Ableton Move via MIDI cables. I also have audio out from the Move going into the Aeros. 1. What I would like to do is be able to press “RECORD” on the Aeros, and have it start the Move playback. To keep things simple, I have selected the track on the Move…so for now, I don’t need to change songs, tracks etc. on the Move side of things. 2. When I push “PLAY” on the Aeros, I would like the Aeros track to go into playback, but I would like to send a command to the Move to stop playback on it’s side.
Would that be possible? If so, how?
While messing around, for a short bit, I was able to get the Ableton Move to trigger RECORD on the Aeros when I push play on the Move, but when I triggered playback on the Aeros, the Move kept playing - which is not ideal for my use case. I would really like to have it working as I’ve described in the 1st paragraph, where the Aeros is sending start and stop commands and the Move is responding to those commands.
Thanks so much.