Aeros Looper out of Sync with BB

Driving me nuts.

I’ll record two parts on my aeros looper. I’ll switch from part 1 to part 2 then back again to part 1. Part one will be out of sync with BB.

What do you recommend?

First :
Check with the tap tempo if both are sync (on the screen) ?

Thanks Steve.

Just to add some information, the two parts are in sync through several switches, and drum fills, then track 1 goes out of sync while track 2 is still in sync. Curiously if I stop playback and start again, track one is still completely not in sync. ???

I am using Jazz 10, at 102 bpm, and both the aeros and the bb show 102. When stopped using the maestro increasing the tempo changes on both the bb and the aeros.

And the same song, played the same way, at other times is all in sync. I cannot reproduce the out of sync. Well, if I press stream or record on my computer it happens especially on a perfect take . :laughing:

Song Part tempo is global.

Who is the Master ?

Maestro set to BB mode, BB control Aeros

Check on the BB >midi>sync must be “Always On”
What you can do aswel is reset default Midi and check
Or Reset the Beatbuddy (warning you restore the basic settings)