Allow drum sets slightly larger size than 100Mb in the BBMO

v 1.5.1 of the BBMO allowed saving of songs with user-created drum sets of up to ~105Mb

v. 1.5.2 and above now display an error that song cannot be saved because the drum set size exceeds 100Mb. This happens in both Vivaldi and Google Chrome.

Would it be possible to allow a 5Mb “grace” in the BBMO to save songs with user-created drum sets ≤105Mb? The BeatBuddy (BB) pedal will play songs with these slightly larger kits.

EDIT 1/11/25: BBMO user reports that drum set >100Mb cannot be imported, Could this also be allowed? Also wanted to point out that the BBM allowed use of slightly larger drum sets.

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Hi persist,

I’ve forwarded your request to the team for consideration regarding the size limit for user-created drum sets.