Jerry Reed was amazing. He kept company with the likes of Chet Atkins, BB King, and Glen Campbell as well as a host of other great musicians of the time.
You are very kind, Persist. Certainly better than I deserve. Thank you once again!
…and it surprises me that pickins for midi sources is slim. This song is so old. So easy. So fun to play and sing. I know I’m not the only Jerry Reed fan.
This has become one of my very favorite songs to do for people. The guitar part is like whatevs… all kinds of 7th chords everywhere. So Seventhy, it reminds me of Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now. But, the singing. Oh man is this fun to do. Sings “Left arm gone clean up to the elbow”
Had almost forgotten what a great smile my Mom has until I gave her a load of this. I’m thinking “She Got The Goldmine, I Got The Shaft” might ought to be on the horizon for the “things to beg from others” list.
Thanks for the work, Persist! You most certainly Rock!