Any software available for a chrome book?

I saw that there was a previous post regarding loading the BB manager onto an Acer Chromebook.

I have a Chromebook as well and I’m more apt to use it then my laptop as it’s faster and I can do just about everything I need musically on it

This might be something you might want to check into doing in the future as more and more people are going to Chromebooks

May be a hard case to make as Singular Sound seems to have their hands full trying to support Windows and Mac OS.

Does Chromebook have the ability to support MIDI outside of a web interface? If not, this may be an inhibiting factor.

IIRC Chromebook is pretty hopeless at any external MIDI or Audio. It’s fine for playing plain audio (as in MP3’s MP4’s etc etc) but for using with external gear, too slow! Mind you that is my historical experience and the mdoern units may be fine

Yeah I understand but I thought I’d just throw this out there you bring up a good point that I do not know the answer to and I never even thought of before thank you for that I’m going to check into that

And I can’t begin to say how great your product is I’ve been using it for over 2 years and I’m very very pleased with it and all the compliments I get
