Anyone have 'Touch of Gray'?

I don’t need overly structured OP work just a proper beat - or maybe someone has found a stock riff that works?

Tough one to find. Here’s a MIDI source file. Caveat, I have not checked it out.

A good start thanks!..I’ll tinker with that in EZD2. Intrigued by Dawes ‘Roll with the Punches’. Not sure the band will go for it but as a song writer I like wrapping lyrics around a repeating rhythmic line like that.

I used one of the punk beats for touch of grey, It turned out great.
I love that song.

Very cool thanks! Which of the 5 and what tempo do you use? I’ve been happy with a wide range of stock beats applied to almost all the songs we do (including fills and some outros). Often the issue initially is weeding through to find them not knowing what they feel like - then remembering what you just earned for the next time :wink: I’m still waiting for some ‘advanced’ search tools in BB mgr like “find all songs using this beat” (along with drag and drop as opposed to export/import to move songs) to shorten the process.

I used Punk 1 but changed the kit to the jazz kit, I also played around with the fills, I try to keep the song structures as simple as possible. Punk 1 worked great. I also play truckin, I used country shuffle and changed the kit to brushes for that one.
The tempo for touch of grey I am using is 160 bpm
I have a 30 song set list i am using a ditto looper and a tc helicon harmony gxt with the beat buddy on my guitar pedal board. I have found that stock beats will work for most songs.

Thank you once again sir. I have followed much the same path over the last couple of years with BB - stock beats, manipulating fills, etc. preferring to have some flexibility over a OP approach. We have an excellent lead guitarist in our trio who sometimes needs more room. I started with a TC Harmony (G predecessor of the Gxt) and went to their Play Electric since I could work both vocals and guitar sounds (mostly rhythm for me) into a named song which should match the name I see pop up on BB when I look down in a dark room on a tired night.

We have 3 sets with 17 songs each and add new work into the next set number (4 currently) allowing us to swap them around if we play too many times in one place or too many nights in a row and get bored. We of course only get to about 35 on a given night but putting named songs in set folders that also match the set list on iPad (we use UnRealBook) is very reassuring. BTW UnReal also allows me to trigger recorded complex intros from a button I can create and place on the screen/song sheet. These are only 10-15 secs but get attention when you hear Ozzie’s ‘All aboard…’ before we do Crazy Train or the beautiful work of Pink Floyd on our ‘Breathe’ and ‘Time’ medley.

Thats awesome. I will want to look into that.
Seems like we have a lot of similar songs.
I also do the breath / time medley along with wish you were here, san tropez, and fearless.
I will have to check out unreal book.

I figured out how to get the file to upload.
unzip it and save it to your desktop and you should be able to import it right into the manager.
I have plenty of others too. I have to keep them simple or the file will be too large to post in the forum.

Hi Seth - feel free to PM me anytime with questions on UnRealBook or anything else you think of. The fellow behind it Aron Nelson is amazingly prompt and helpful even with my dumb questions. Just checked its an $8.99 app and well worth it - clear and intuitive and hasn’t failed me once. We’ve used BB since 2015 and its life blood for us as well. I bought a 2nd one just in case.

If you go to the FB link in my signature the ‘Acoustic Drive Music’ link in the left margin will take you to where I load mp3 from live recordings so you can get pretty good idea of what we do. I can pass on what I have if any catch your interest - and also the pdf for the song. I convert the Word docx I create to a .pdf to keep in a Dropbox file I can access via UnReal Book to create our set lists.

I just found the drum and bass stuff.

Both those attachments are broken! I always get the following error message

This attachment cannot be shown at this time. Please try back later.

Mind reupping it?