Audioslave - Show Me How To Live

Some more Chris Cornell, please!

Looks like Persist has like 183 songs in his ToDo list… =(

Looking for an OPB or maybe a OPBk for the weird break in the middle.

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I’ll see what I can do.

Nah, the files in that list are for songs I’ve already transcribed. I upload them at a leisurely pace. When I first started, I used to post 5 songs per day but I thought users would be getting annoyed by my constant torrent taking up forum space. Now I spread them out.

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Good choice. Cornell is in my top-3 rock singers list (Dio #1). I have 6 Audioslave songs on my BB (Like a Stone, Be Yourself, Original Fire, Your Time Has Come, The Curse, Heaven’s Dead). Morello forced me to buy a whammy pedal and a crybaby pedal lol. :slight_smile:

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Give them all to us! I LOVE your stuff and the variety too.

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