Automating my BBMO workflow

Quite a while back, I published keyboard shortcuts to automate common tasks for the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM).

Since then, I’ve switched to the BBMO and wanted to share a simple macro for automating how I work with the BBMO. I try to economize on repetitive keystrokes in apps that I use frequently.

I don’t leave the BBMO open on my Mac when I’'m done because it tends to keep my Mac from sleeping so I quit it when I’m done. I use Safari as my main browser.

Because opening my project in the BBMO requires several key presses, I wanted a keyboard shortcut but could not get it to work consistently so I needed a macro app for Mac. Keyboard Maestro is too complex and it’s like using a sledgehammer on a gnat. I found Keysmith and am using it instead as it is quite simple to use (and much less expensive).

Here’s a zipped gif to illustrate how it opens the BBMO in Vivaldi with nothing other than the hotkeys pressed to open the app and the project. The other zip file is for the macros.
Open BBMO project directly in (5.2 MB)
Keysmith macros for Vivaldi and (18.3 KB)

Hotkeys for Vivaldi to open the BBMO: ctrl-option-v
Hotkeys for Chrome to open the BBMO option-cmd-c (Keysmith works best with the Chrome extension for Keysmith)

I’m working on a few more macros to further the automation process for my workflow and will share them as I go along.