Backup a complete set

[*]Hello, how to backup a complete set for not if stop all the time to set the… country bb or rock happening in a blues and the tempo to change. It is a waste of time.

I am not entirely sure I can get you.

In order to save whole folder contents, you can use Import-Export > Export Folder. It will create a single file on your computer (where you point it) that could be used as a backup. If you later accidentally change something inside this folder in BBManager, just remove that folder entirely and use Import-Export > Import Folder to place all the original saved folder content back to the BBManager.

If you want to change the tempo of the song, you can do it in BBManager (don’t forget to Import-Export > Export Project to Pedal once done), and you can also do it right with the pedal. Select a song, change the tempo to your liking and then simply press and hold Tempo knob for like a second. The pedal will save your tempo, and if you later select this song, it will have the tempo you have set.