hello, i have a question. I want for example to edit the standard kit with effects in adobe audition but i want to duplicate because i want to have and the standard kit as it is now. How i can duplicate it and after load the edited drum kit without put one by one the samples in beatbuddy manager? thanks!!!
You can’t.
why? if i save the samples with exactly the same name?
You are creating a new drum kit. The ONLY way to create a drum kit is through BB Manager Drum Kit Editor. It does not allow for batch processing. You have to drag each sample into the Drum Kit editor one by one, and then save the kit with a different kit name within drum kit editor, if you wish to have the original kit plus your “with effects” kit. As to the philosophical implications of your “why?” question, I will respond “Because.” I would like to respond “Why Not?,” but Beat Buddy Manager does not allow for that flexibility. Unlike some software that may have multiple paths to get you to your desired end, BBM does not.
thanx a lot