Before the current fix (2.10.0) I was able to see the BB bpm count on the Aeros now I don’t see it, also if I select a new song the old bpm is still there.
Still waiting to have record/save features, now when I restart all files are gone. I’m really disappointed in this pedal so far, it’s useless to me for now. I will continue to wait, I don’t have a choice.
I was hoping I could use the Aeros for giging along with the BB controlling it as I call up setlist songs I created and have the saved loops playback seamlessly on the Aeros as I go through my BB setlist without a ton of bending over and button pressing. I get the feeling even after all the fixes are in this pedal will freakout on it’s own and I’ll be super embarrassed.
Even my BB freaks out currently so I’m losing faith.
My observation, for better or worse, is that SS may have bowed to pressure and introduced the Aeros before it was fully-baked. This runs strongly contrary to their previous releases, which were/are all very late but very complete. The fact that the MIDI implementation is not complete is a bit of a tip-off.
My advice would be this: If you can, wait. If past experience is any indication, they will get it right and you’ll be rewarded for your patience. The issue I (suspect I) see here is that they simply released it before it was done. Once it’s done, though, I expect it will be everything you had hoped.
Good luck.

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I agree 100%, I will just wait. All products seem great and worth waiting for just wish it was ready when shipped.
I am happy to be patient - I just received my Aeros today from Germany (I am in England)… BUT I think that early-adopters (read Beta testers) should have the start of their 2-year warranty delayed for a few months till the software is more developed… How about it SS ??
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Hey everyone. Yes, we are off to a rocky start with the Aeros. We wanted to get this looper out there ASAP to all preorders. (we’ve been SUPER delayed, even by our own overestimations) Luckily, the majority (if not all) of the issues will be fixed via firmware updates.
Most important thing I’d like to say is that we are extending the 60-day return period on all existing orders (as of 11/14/19) as well as the two year warranty to start from the day that freeform is available and is working seamlessly, which should be within the next few weeks. We do know that every single one of you has been super patient with us, and we do appreciate this and value all of you a lot for your support as we work this through. All of us are putting in lots of extra hours behind the scenes, (especially our programmers) as we solve each of these issues, one by one. We want to be as fair as possible and we feel that is the least we can do.
In addition to the extensions, we are here to assist each and every one of you personally. Because each case can have different causes despite the same symptoms, I do request that with tech issues (at least for now) please email me directly at - Thanks.
@Guitartechnyc The BPM issue is largely a UI issue. Meaning, that the BPM on the loop/song is actually correct, but the wrong BPM value shows up on screen. This is what we observed with this bug. If you think that your case may be different than what we previously observed, let me know. Regarding the disappearing songs and unstable behavior, please email me. We may need to reset your device with a special flash card.
@JoeInOttawa Thank you for your input, and advice. You are correct. We wanted to get it out ASAP, and also we will get this right. We promise.
@milford59 Yes, you (and everyone else) will receive the extensions. 
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How often does a company accept full responsibility for a screw up and then also take every appropriate step to fix it? Not very often. So, while I wish SS had held off shipping the Aeros (and I bet they do, too), I applaud their willingness to accept responsibility and offer up options for their users to make it right – whatever “right” means to each user.
Good on ya, SS. This is why I’m a big supporter of this small-but-feisty company. Hopefully, lesson learned.
Now, about my MIDI Maestros…

I agree that a perfectly functioning product would have been great right out the door but I feel like the last update has given me a very useable product now I’ll just wait for all the tweaks to come along… I feel SS is a great innovative company that will stand behind their products and customers for the long haul…
Thank you @JoeInOttawa and @johngale77 for your very kind words. Without our passionate and (very) patient fans, we wouldn’t exist, so we truly do appreciate it.
@Guitartechnyc with the new firmware 2.10.0 you need to press the little save icon on the stopped screen to save your songs - if you don’t do this, your recordings will be lost. If you are pressing save and your recordings are still lost, then we do need to reset your device and please contact @BeatBuddy_Support by email at
p.s. @JoeInOttawa we recently made some big progress on the MIDI Maestro and will be sending out an update soon! 
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@DavidPackouz This was a good move, David. Thank you.
Thank you very much David.