Hello…! I am trying to create a folder to a new SD card but I would like only ONE folder with my Playlist with nothing more… Something I can’t do it…it always create a full project with all drums songs plus my folder…
Also sometimes I want to use one of the drum songs for several times in different tempo…how I can duplicate or copy paste multiple times somehow this drum song with different name in the same folder…?
The process depends on using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) export and import, create a new project to achieve what you need:
Use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) to select the single playlist folder
File - Export - Folder (to your desktop)
File - New Project
File - Import - Folder (your playlist folder from your desktop)
Because this is a new project, you will have to File - Export - Project to SD card for the first time; after you make edits or changes, you can use the BBM Synchronize feature
To reuse the same beat (I’m assuming you’re doing this from the playlist folder) with different tempos, export the song to your desktop, and then import that song and rename it and make your edits. Save your project often.