BB/MM work but those buttons!

after doublecking MIDI in/out, MM/BB work together… if only those buttons were of better quality…
every time I press one, my wife comments from 2 rooms away :slight_smile:

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Me too.
Sucks when you’re trying to record a loop with a vocals.


This weekend I’ll take the MM apart to see if I can easily replace the buttons with Lehle quality.
There’s a ton of screws hiding the switches behind the PCB… Will keep you guys posted…


I wonder if a little lithium grease or something like that would help

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I’m guessing it’s the same buttons they use on the Footswitch+… music music music…CLICK…music…CLICK. Crazy LOUD clicking.

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For what it’s worth - I agree that the MIDI Maestro’s and BeatBuddy’s switches are a little loud, especially when home recording.

However, the MIDI Maestro’s switches do not appear to be any louder than the footswitches on most of my guitar stompboxes.

With that in mind, when the BeatBuddy is on my pedalboard and I’m playing live, no one hears the switching because my amp and the rest of the band drown out the sound of the switches - the same goes for the rest of my stompboxes. (Well, to be clear - no one will hear the switching unless they’re lying on the ground next to my pedalboard, which doesn’t happen too often.)