Please forgive my noob/dumb questions or assumptions. I’m frankly floundering after a lot of searching here and with Roland…
My setup: MM to BB to Aeros (AE). I would like to MIDI out from AE to Roland Fantom 06 to trigger sequences / arpeggiation. Examples: the synth bass pedal on ZZ Top Legs. The intro sequence on Who Eminence Front, or Talking Heads Once In A Lifetime.
I want the triggered Roland part to change with my BB/MM/AE part. Let’s say my Part 1 on BB/AE is verse part 1, and needs a pulsing A bass note. Part 2 needs a pulsing F# bass note.
Roland says I can’t externally trigger patterns created with the sequencer, but I could trigger samples. I would record patterns I’ve created to the sampler, turning them into wav files that will then be triggered by the external controller. The trigger/MIDI message would need to be a note number C1, D1, E3 etc. as if you were playing the notes on a keyboard. they said it isn’t possible to trigger the samples using CC messages.
I initially thought this would be a matter of sending MIDI commands from MM. But this is probably wrong. MM doesn’t send MIDI notes, correct, only CC?
So is this possible from BB? is there some way I can include MIDI notes in my BB program that are sent through the AE to the Roland, and by the way, NOT trigger a sound I don’t want on BB?
I’m actually willing to pay someone to help me figure this out.