BB to pigtronix infinity

When BB connected to infinity by midi all the lights on the infinity blink in time and I can’t record. It’s supposed to blink on the armed loop channel and record. Seems like some confusion in the midi message. Is it the BB or infinity? Is there a certain way I’m supposed to send messages to the infinity from BB?

Have you tried to set infinity to ignore Midi notes? Go Infinity applications-tools -globel boot settings…
Hope that helps.

It’s a issue with the new firmware. What Dennis said, solve the problem at 100%

Yes! That fixed the problem. I’d like to know though, won’t that be the same as not having midi plugged in at all? I mean BB is supposed to be synced with infinity through midi so the timing won’t drift like the boss pedals and some others. I’m about to experiment and see what happens. Thank you both for the info.

Got the answer from pigtronix and it will work. Thanks again. :wink:

The Infinity reacts to its Midi messages anyway (e.g. CC messages to remote the Infinity with Midi controller). Also to Midi Clock(including start and stop messages. But the Infinity seems to react in some way to the outgoing Midi notes from BB in its default settings. I dont know what this feature is for, but it seems to have a reason, in other respects, Pigtronix team would not have made it decissionable…
Maybe someone will find out what it`s for…:confused: