BB warmup

Recently, my BB doesn’t immediately see my iPad onsong app. I plug, unplug, boink, fidget, shake, say a few nasty words, etc. At some point it just start to work and works fine from then on. I know many of you are genius BB specialists, your thoughts would be much appreciated…

That happened with my Setlist maker and BB I finally uninstalled Apps I really do not need and Set Tablet back to default settings and now the response time between the two are like it was. a lot Faster

Thanks I’ll try that. Did you do a total reset of your tablet or just change some settings back to default?

I was so tired of it happening that I did a total reset but please make your own conclusion on what’s best for you. I had other apps on the tablet that were acting strange also so it wasn’t done purely based on BB issues. It did seem in my case a tablet problem.